Friday, February 12, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 02/12/2016

Daily Thoughts: Who shall know the mind of God? No one really, God's thoughts are not our thoughts; God's ways are not our ways. I find the reading from Isaiah rather interesting today. It confirms for me something about my faith that I have struggled with for many years, the idea of doing things to be seen rather than doing things to make a difference.

In recent years there has been a movement among some to kneel down or bow profoundly when receiving communion. There are those in high places who commend this practice and there are others who think all should be doing this. Now I truly believe that when we receive communion we should do it reverently. That said there are many ways to be reverent. If we were to apply Isaiah's words in the first reading to the action of receiving communion, they might sound something like this, "Do you call receiving communion in this way what I want? This rather, is the receiving communion that I want, I want you to receive and then take me into the world, help others, be the presence of God everywhere you go. In other words, as Isaiah reminds us God is not about rituals, God is about actions.

However, we receive communion is not the point – it is what we do once we receive the Lord. It is how we treat people that makes all the difference. God does not put a lot of importance in the "show" of things, in the "how" we do it, in the "what" we look like when doing it, in how many people see it, in the how reverent it is. God puts value in the way we live our faith, the way we interact with the world, the way we treat others, the way in which we bring God's compassion and mercy to the world.

In The Gospel, the religious leaders are once again hung up on the rules, regulations and rituals but Jesus is about the living of life. Jesus is about recognizing God in our midst. Lent keeps reminding us that our thoughts are not God's thoughts and our ways are not God's way, yet we have the opportunity to recognize the presence of God in our life and change the way we think and the way we act so that we are about God and not ourselves.

Have a great Friday everyone.

Daily Prayer: O God, help us to walk in your ways. May our lives be about the gifts of your love and may our words, actions and works bring life to others and ourselves. May we never do anything for show but for the honor and glory of the kingdom. May what we do always reflect a concern for others. Be with us always and when we struggle may we always hear your voice say "Do not fear, here I am!" Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: As we run today let us think of our breathing as inhaling God and exhaling extraneous thoughts, ideas and struggles. Let us allow all those thoughts that are buzzing about in our heads to move through our bodies and be expelled through our breath so that God has more space to be within us!

Daily Blessing: Friday greetings and blessings to all. Are you cold enough? I have decided that I have had enough of winter and I am ready for spring. I hope Mother Nature is listening. I hope you are weathering the cold or that the weather is a bit nicer and warmer where you are.

I hope you have had a good week. I hope you have had a good beginning of Lent, because like winter it is going to be a long journey. In a few minutes I will be heading into Manhattan for a day of taping of the Sunday Mass at St. Francis de Sales Parish. It will be a long day as we will be taping seven masses today. Then it will be back home so that I can get ready to head out tomorrow as I begin a Lenten mission at St. Raphael/Holy Angels Parish in Trenton, New Jersey. I am looking forward to this mission and all of my missions during Lent.

I pray today for God’s blessings on all of you who stop to journey with me through this life and through Lent may today be a good end to the work week and may it be the beginning of a restful and relaxing weekend. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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