Monday, March 21, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 03/21/2016

Daily Thoughts: As we begin this most Holy of Weeks our readings (Isaiah 42:1-7 and John 12: 1-11) remind us of the good of this week and the bad. We are reminded of the compassion and love of Jesus. We are reminded of the caring and friendship of Martha, Mary and Lazarus. We are reminded of the impact that Jesus had on peoples' lives. We are reminded how Judas lost his focus and turned away from Jesus.

These early days of Holy Week set the scene, the characters and the focus for the Triduum. They give us the background of the story that will lead us to Calvary and the empty tomb. They remind us of how easy it is to get lost in the trappings of the world. They remind us how easy it is to be distracted by the things of the world and to not recognize the presence of God. They remind us of how hard it is to be faithful people.

The scene today also reminds of the fact the Jesus is willing to accept extravagance when it is done in love. Jesus appreciates the extravagance of Mary's true love because Jesus and the Father are always about offering true love, the true love of the Cross which we will celebrate later this week.

What extravagant gesture of love can we offer someone this week? How can we make God's presence known and felt in our world this week? Remember God never turns away from a humble and contrite heart. Let us not be like Judas, someone who cannot grasp the love and support of God, rather let us be like Martha, Mary and Lazarus people who are friends of God!

Have a blessed Monday of Holy Week everyone!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, help us to enter more deeply into this journey of Holy Week. May we always have the faith of true friendship with you. May our actions express this friendship and thus make your presence known to all that we meet. Touch us with your extravagant love so in our moments of doubt and struggle we will not turn way, but turn towards you trusting in your compassionate love. Give us hearts which are humble and open to forgiveness. Give us spirits alive with your joy and love. Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: As we run during this Holy Week let us remember that each run can help us embark on a pilgrimage of the ordinary which often leads us to the extraordinary and sacred!

Daily Blessing: Monday of Holy Week greetings and blessings to all. I hope your Monday and your week is starting of well. I will be heading out in a little while to a funeral but other than that it will be a quiet day for me.

In Pelham we woke to the cold white stuff on the trees and grass but not on the sidewalks and roads. Now the sun is trying to peek through and I am sure the cold white stuff will be gone quickly. Just Mother Nature reminding us in her gentle way to not get too comfortable!

I hope you had a great weekend and found some time for God by entering into the celebration of Palm Sunday! I will be praying that God will bless your Holy Week and fill it with many graces. May the God of Abraham and Sarah, the God of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, the God of Peter, James and John, the God of Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph bless and be with all of us as we make this journey of Holy Week.

My prayers are with all of you today and throughout this week. Please give sometime to God this week, even if your week is a busy one. Attend one of the Triduum services, make a visit to a Church on Holy Thursday evening, take the afternoon off on Good Friday, just try to connect with God in some special way this week. You will not regret it! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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