Sunday, April 24, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 04/24/2016

Daily Thoughts: On Holy Thursday during the Eucharist of the Lord’s Supper we heard the verses of John’s Gospel that lead into to those we hear today. Jesus has washed the feet of his followers and we learn that Judas has dirtied his hands by betrayal. Jesus is back at the table and Jesus begins the Good-News, Bad-News of his last hours with his friends. The bad news is that he is going to be with them for only a little while longer. The good news is that he will be revealed in all his glory, upon the Cross. Jesus over the next four chapters of John’s Gospel will make sure that his message is clear enough for his friends to understand.

What Jesus make most clear and which he will repeat in chapter fifteen, is that he wishes them to love one another and by this love stay together as well as increase in fruitfulness. It is by this love for one another that they will be recognized and draw others to friendship with God.

Jesus commands a “new” kind of love which is meant to bring back light, reverence, respect for what is restoring what God did with the first command at creation. The disciples are commanded to love each other into life as Jesus has done with them. Jesus has given them as much as they can handle. Now he is urging them to love outside the circle, beyond the eleven. They are to encourage others to reverence themselves as gifts prepared to be given in gratitude to others.

In our world not all of us enter the process of bringing new sacred life into this circle of love. Yet, we are all commanded to co-create, and co-recover the lives within our life’s circle. When understood, this “new commandment” urges us beyond the emotional experience of love. We are missioned to continue God’s love. We might say that through us God continues to say, “Let there be light” because of us. “Let there be love” because of how we live. Imagine all that! That is mighty “new commandment” and a commandment which surpasses all others.

Yet if we look around our world, we have the opposite power as well.  There is our ability to also not love, to de-create. It is the “old commandment” which Satan gave to Adam and Eve. However, Jesus is inviting his disciples and us to accept our being loved by God and having accepted that, we are challenged to gracefully be instruments of attracting others into the circle of life. If we love others, we want them to be, not more than they can be, but more of the God-loved persons that they are. The more we love others, the more they have the chance to love themselves, the more the circle of life, the community of life, called Church, will be able to grow larger, deeper. The more we come to know our true selves, the more we will want to share with others the love of God.

Jesus handed his life over to us before he handed his life over to the Cross. We are now commanded to be the instruments - sacraments - making his creative love a real presence in the world.

Have a great Sunday everyone and don’t forget to give God a little time today!

Daily Prayer: Help me, O God, to be a good and true friend, to be loyal and never to ley my friends down: never to talk about them behind their backs in a way that I would not do to their faces; never to betray a confidence or talk about things I should be silent about; always to be ready to share everything I have; to be as true to my friends as I would wish them to be to me. This I ask for the sake of him who is the greatest and truest of all friends, for Jesus’ sake. Amen. (A prayer by William Barclay)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “A runner must run with dreams in his [or her] heart, not money in his [or her] pocket.” (Emil Zatopek) So to in the spiritual life…

Daily Blessing: Sunday afternoon greetings and blessings to all. I have arrived in Manitowoc, WI after my long Saturday and early Sunday journey. It was an uneventful and relatively easy drive. Not much traffic and no significant delays due to construction. My Sunday started about 5:30 am, I hope yours did not start as early and is proving to be a pleasant day. The weather here in Manitowoc is cloudy and cool but as the sister at the front desk told me, “Wait ten minutes it will change!”

I will spend the rest of my day getting ready to begin a retreat with the sisters here at Holy Family tomorrow morning. May you spend the rest of your day doing what you might need to do as you get ready for a new work week. Please keep the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity in your prayers this week, especially those on retreat and if you could mention their preacher in your prayers it would be greatly appreciated.

May God bless you with an enjoyable Sunday afternoon and evening especially if you are among family and/or friends. Through God’s love may the rest of your day offer you some rest and relaxation so that you might be ready to live a new week by sharing God’s love!

I will leave you this afternoon with this thought from Thomas Merton, “Love is the guarantee that the life of the Spirit is growing in us. Love is the sign of the Holy Spirit at work in the Church and in the world.” So may God bless you with much love today and may you love much today. Peace in Christ’s Passion and Joy in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

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