Friday, June 3, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 06/03/2016

Daily Thoughts: Our focus today and tomorrow is the “heart,” The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The heart is the center of who we are, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is the place where we often think of God’s presence within us.

Think for a moment, in a physical way the heart is the center of who we are. It is the pump that pushes life through us. Without it we can do nothing. All our other organs, muscles, bones and assorted other things are important but it is the heart that keeps us alive that makes everything we do, say and feel possible.

Emotionally the heart is central to what we feel. It is the home of the emotions. On February 14th we do not receive or send a card with a gallbladder on the front that says, “I love you!” No we send or receive a card with a heart on the front. The heart is the place of feelings and emotions. If we were to write a song, a poem or a story about love we would talk about the heart. A broken heart means we have lost at or been hurt by love.

In a spiritual way the heart is important too. The heart in a spiritual sense is the dwelling place of God. In the Old Testament, the psalmists and prophets talked about the community or individual who was without God as having a stony heart. A stony heart has no room for God, is closed to the presence of God.

So we might say the heart sits at the center of who we are as human beings. These two days remind us of just how important the heart is to us. Jesus and Mary had hearts that lead them through their journeys of life.

Jesus’ Sacred Heart teaches us about love. It is a heart full of the kind of love and mercy that leaves no one behind. Sometimes that love and mercy seem foolish but not in the eyes and heart of Jesus. Every person is valuable, ever person is important; every person is worth searching for. Now this doesn’t mean that everyone will be found because some of us don’t want to be found and some of us even when found don’t want to return. But the love of Jesus’ Sacred Heart will always look, will always search and will always wait.

This Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is about love, but it is also about hope; the hope that God is always searching, looking and waiting for us because we are that special, that important. The question for today is, “Can we believe in our value, can we believe in our specialness, can we believe in God’s love for us, can we hope in the fact that God will find us and through his mercy bring us home?”

Have a great Friday everyone!

Daily Prayer: We come to you Jesus on the Feast of your Sacred Heart, for you are our refuge and our hope. You are the strength that keeps us going through all that is wrong in the our lives, the forgiveness for all our faults and failings, the comfort for all our struggles, the peace for all our anxieties, the enhancement for all our imperfections, and the hope in all our prayers.

You are the only one who never wearies of us and who offers us grace in the midst of our faults, because you love us so much with an infinite love. You are the one always in search of us especially when we follow a different path.

So we ask you loving Jesus, to have mercy on us and do with us, and be for us, and be within us, whatever you want. We give our hearts to you, hoping that the gift of love that flows from your most Sacred Heart will never leave us to face the struggles and difficulties of life alone.  Amen.

A Runner’s Thoughts: Holiness is not something we can build into a run. Running does not make us holy. However, we can make our run holy by bringing to our run a sense of God’s Presence. Thus we can transform our run from the ordinary to the sacred. (Adapted from Roger Joslin- Running the Spiritual Path)

Daily Blessing: Friday greetings and blessings to all. We are to have a rainy Friday here in Pelham but right now I cannot tell what the weather is going to do because the sun hasn’t risen yet. So only time will tell if we are to have a rainy day here.

I am starting the day rather early because I have a lot to do. I have two masses this morning. One at Mount St. Michael’s High School and the second at the Wartburg Home. Then it will be on to our monastery and parish in Jamaica, New York as the first phase of The Sunday Mass move takes place. Everything from St. Francis de Sales Parish will be brought to Jamaica and stored until we begin the renovation of the lower church for the new site of The Sunday Mass. I will be there to supervise the drop off end of the move. Then it will be back to Pelham in order to make final preparations to hit the road on Saturday for a three week run of missions and retreats. You might say, things are getting busy again!

I hope your Friday has started off well wherever you are and in whatever you are doing. The official start to the weekend is not far away so I pray that God will bless these morning and afternoon hours of your Friday so that they will go quickly and bring you into the gift of another weekend. I pray that you and those you love will be blessed by God’s Love as we celebrated it in the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus today. If you are traveling be safe, if you are busy working be safe. Most of all may you be blessed with a Friday you can enjoy and may it be filled with interesting people, wonderful experiences, fun, joy, faith, hope, mercy and the presence of God! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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