Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 07/13/2016

Daily Thoughts: A friend of mind often says, “It is hard when you are the smartest man in the room!” His point is that people with smarts often have a hard time with those of us who don’t. They believe they know it all or at least they know more than everyone around them and they find it frustrating when things don’t go their way or at least the way they think things should go.

I thought of this today in terms of our Gospel (Matthew 11: 25-27). Jesus says, "I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the child like.” In other words, sometimes the smartest, the wisest, the most learned among us have no clue!

We are all aware of just how open children are. They want to learn. They want to experience new things and they haven’t yet decided what the right way to do things is. They are open to trying new ways, learning new things and exploring life around them. I think the point that Jesus is getting at in our Gospel today is that if we are open to the word, the experience and the presence of God in our lives just like children are then we will have a better chance of hearing, encountering and recognized God in our life.

Intelligence, smartest, knowledge and wisdom are wonderful gifts however they can get in the way of God’s presence in our life. It is often better to be like a child rather than the smartest person in the room.

So let us live, let us embrace today in a childlike way so that we don’t miss any of what God sends our way. Have a great Wednesday everyone.

Daily Prayer:  Loving God, create in us an ever-growing faith, with hearts open and centered in you. Awaken within us the fire of your Spirit, so that your love may fill us more fully, and flow throughout our lives.

Increase within us a desire to reach out, to invite and to share, to welcome and accept. Awaken the faith of all your people, especially those who have grown distant from you, those ready to hear an invitation to the love you alone can bring.

Awaken us, loving God, to see the fullness of your grace and peace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Awakening Faith is a ministry of Paulist Evangelization Ministries)

A Runner’s Thoughts: Mother Teresa saw Christ in the face of everyone she met; it is possible to conduct a run that models her behavior. So as we run, let’s place a smile on our face and thus offer a blessing to everyone we meet on our run today!

Daily Blessing: Wednesday blessings and greetings to all! It looks to be another beautiful day here in Pelham. I hope the same is true by you!

Today is my last day home this week as I will be leaving tomorrow for Louisville, KY for a family wedding and baptism. I will be back home late Sunday night which is a change in plan because of an issue with the Sunday Mass. I will not be heading to the St. Ann’s Novena in Scranton until a week from Friday. Today I will be trying to clean off my desk and get things in order until Monday.

My blessing prayer this morning is that each of you will encounter the richness of God’s blessings today! That you all will find today rich in the presence, joy, hope and love of God. That each encounter you have and journey you make will add another piece of the mystery of God to your life. And that you all may be alive with the joyful grace of God’s presence that will become the gift of you to the world today!

Have a great Wednesday everyone! Stay cool and may this day be one of many blessings for you and those who are important in your life! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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