Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday's Thoughts - 11/23/2012

Daily Thoughts: The Scripture readings are tough today. On the one hand we have the Book of Revelations and John being asked to eat the scroll that is sweet in his mouth but sour in this stomach. Then in the Gospel Jesus is throwing out the money changers and the merchants from the temple, but the leaders cannot do anything because people are hanging on every word that Jesus speaks. What are we to make of the Scriptures today?

Well we might look for a common theme and one might be words. John in the Book of Revelation is ask to eat a scroll of words, they are sweet at the beginning but then sour. Words that are not life giving can do that, they can sound good but in the end they make life difficult if not impossible. However, words that are life giving can lead us in the right direction like Jesus' words.

A theme we cannot ignore is shopping, Black Friday and Jesus' anger with the sellers in the Temple. No, Jesus is not against Black Friday but perhaps the question in Jesus' actions might be, "Where is your focus people?" "What is your priority?" "What is most important to you?"

As I said today's readings are difficult. Perhaps our faith food for the journey today is to hear and speak the write words that are life giving and to always know who and what is the center of our life!

Daily Prayer: O God, Creator of all, hear the prayers of your people today. Prayers that seek peace. Prayers that seek truth. Prayers that seek your love. Help us to know what is most important in life in the midst of a world that often speaks to us words that are not life giving, placing importance on the trivial. May we hear with our hearts your words of everlasting life! Amen!

Runner's Thought: When you run be a pilgrim. If you run and search for God in the ordinary. It is not a pilgrimage to some place special. Your run may be nothing more than a trip around the neighbor hood but if your intention is to talk with God, then you are a pilgrim!

Follow up to Thanksgiving: "Thanksgiving belongs to prayer. Thanksgiving is a true inward acknowledgement, we applying ourselves with great reverence and loving fear with all our powers to work that God moved us to, rejoicing and giving thanks inwardly. And so the power of the Lord's word enters the soul and enlivens the heart and makes us rejoice in the Lord."  Julian of Norwich

Have a great day everyone! Shop if your must but also take some extra time with family and friends to just enjoy life! Blessings and peace today and always...Fr. Paul

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