Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 01/30/2013

Daily Thoughts: Our scriptures today presented me with a couple of perspectives. First the reading from the Letter to the Hebrews focused me on the importance of Jesus in my life. It is because of Jesus that I have this gift of life, it is because of Jesus that I can be forgiven for my faults, failings and sins and it is because of Jesus that I have the chance for eternal life with God!

The Gospel on the other hand reminds me that I have work to do. Jesus has given me the gift, but what do I do with the gift? Do I plant it and let it grow into a wonderful harvest of life the brings me to God or does the gift get wasted?

I have often used the parable of the Sower and the Seed in my preaching and the way I look at it is that in my life there are four different kinds of soil, three of which do not allow the seed of God's Word, Grace and Presence to grow and one that does. I often image my heart as the field, the soil and so I ask the question what condition is my heart in? Is it good soil? Can God's Word, God's Grace, God's Presence grow there? Or is it the foot path, the rocky ground, the patch of weeds and thorns that will not allow God to grow?

Why might my heart be like to foot path? Because I have been hurt at times in my life and I have hardened, I don't let God or others in? Why might my heart be rocky ground? Because I am a sinner. The rocks, boulders and pebbles are my sins. Why might my heart be clutters with thorns? Because the thorns are the things of my life that have become more important than God.

So in order to have a heart full of good soil that produces a bountiful harvest I need to loosen up the hard places, move the rocks, boulders and pebbles and do some weeding. Then my heart and my life will truly be a place where good things grow. My heart will be the place that will bring to life the gift of Jesus!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, strengthen us with the power of your love. Fill our hearts with your unrelenting presence. Help us to work the soil of our hearts by loosening the places that have become hard, by seeking the help of your forgiveness to move the rocks of our sinfulness and by finding the strength to pull the weeds and thorns that are over grown and choking off your presence. May our hearts become the good soil that bears the fruit of your love thirty and sixty and a hundredfold. Amen!

Runner's Thought: Imagine that as you stretch your muscles before you run that you are also stretching your spirit and giving it the flexibility it needs to engage God. Make each stretch a simple prayer!

It is hump day everyone so have a great Wednesday may it truly be down hill the rest of the week! I know some of you out there are still struggling with flu, winter colds and other things especially a little angel in Shelby, NC so special prayers go out to her that she will truly get better soon! May all who are struggle with illness these days feel better soon. Blessings on everyone today and may your day be rich in what matters to you and God! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS Happy Birthday to all birthday people today, especially Joan in St. Louis and Jurek on his way to Miami! Also I remember my Dad who would have been 98 today. I am so proud to carry his name, Paul Raymond!

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