Sunday, February 17, 2013

1st Sunday of Lent Daily Thoughts - 02/17/2013

Daily Thought: The readings today, especially the first one from Deuteronomy and the Gospel, present us with a contrast. In Deuteronomy Moses is reminding the people from where they have come and all that God has done for them. Not spoken is this section but still present is all that the Israelites have done, much of which was to grumble, build a golden idol and turn away from God. Yet, as Moses says God has stayed with them. God has remained faithful.

The contrast is in the fact that all of the temptations in the desert that Jesus does not give in to, are exactly what the Israelites do give in to. Jesus is tested in the desert just like the Israelites but he does not let history repeat itself. Jesus chooses instead to make God's word, God's promise, his priority.

St. Paul tells us that what we believe must be spoken but also held in our hearts so that as we live we too might make the right choices. If we believe with our hearts in the promises of God, if we believe with our hearts in Jesus, if we believe with our hearts that Jesus when through his passion, death and resurrection for us then our lives must show this gift, this presence. Our choices must be made reflecting the grace, wisdom and love of God.

This is not easy. The road of life is full of temptations that challenge us with choices. Thus, it becomes profoundly important that we know the story and hold it our hearts. Let us this Lent remember the story of God's love and choose wisely as we live life!

Daily Prayer: God of Life, be with us in our journey through Lent and life. Remind us of the story of your love each day that we may truly believe in our hearts that you are our God. In our moments of choice and decision help us to choose wisely. Have mercy on us when we don't. Remind us in the midst of our struggles to always call upon your name for help. Enrich us with your gift of hope that will enable us to always remember your love. Amen!

Runner's Thought: As we run let us look purposefully for signs of God's presence and give praise and be thankful. During our run let us become one of the many voice in nature that give thanks and praise!

Happy Sunday Evening everyone! I am very blessed to be here at the Church of the Assumption in Peekskill, NY to celebrate a time of mission. This is a wonderful faith community led by some dedicated priest and lay people. I only wish I had learn Spanish because then I could reach out to much more of the community here. I kicked of the mission this last night and today by preaching all the masses, if everyone who said they are coming, come we will have a wonderful crowd the next three days.

I hope your weekend has gone well and you have had at least a little time to rest. I know there were some friends in Shelby and Charlotte, NC who spent the weekend celebrating the first year of life of Charlie! I hope is was a great weekend for Charlie and his family!

Blessings on your Sunday Evening and blessings for the work week to come. Please know you will be in my prayers as we celebrate a time of mission here in Peekskill and I ask your prayers for the faith community here and the preacher. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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