Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 04/16/2013

Daily Thoughts: It is hard to begin this daily reflection without mentioning Boston and tragic events that happened there yesterday. I am a runner and I have run the Boston Marathon twice in my life. It is a great city and the marathon is a great experience and I certainly feel for the city and the people today. I like many struggle today with the unanswerable question “why?”

It was interesting early this morning as I reflected on the scripture preparing for this new day that the story of St. Stephen’s death made me think of Boston. Here was Stephen just being a good and faith filled person and a crazy mob comes along and stones him to death. A mob of people not thinking about life, about goodness, about being positive but a mob of people only thinking about themselves. A mob of people focused on selfishness, on fear, on evil.  Stephen remain the “bigger person” Stephen remained the faith filled person, Stephen remained the person of life not death.

In Boston yesterday many people were about life, were about hope, were about joy, were about all that is good in our culture and our society and like Stephen they paid the price. Some with their lives, some with their injuries and all with what a brief moment took away from their, bodies, their spirits and their souls. It perhaps was not a mob, it might have been one person or a small group of people but they were people about death, about negativity, about fear, about evil. If any of the ones who carried out this selfish, evil act claim that God is happy with them they are sick and more evil than I thought.  Perhaps they are misguided, perhaps they are just evil and unfortunately as good people we are often reminded by the misguided of how much evil is still present in our world.

But like Stephen I think the people of Boston, the runners, the spectators, all good people need to remain the “bigger person,” we need to remain faith filled people, we need to remain the people of life and not death. We need to remain the people of light not darkness. We need to remain people of trust and freedom not fear. We need to remain people of hope not despair.

My thoughts and prayer continue for all in Boston, those who lost their lives and their families, those who were injured physically, those who were injured emotionally, those who were injured spiritually. I pray in thanksgiving for all who responded and helped, for all who cared, for all who cried, for all who comforted. I pray for the people of Boston. I pray for peace!

Daily Prayer: Once again I would like to adapt Thomas Merton’s prayer and make it my prayer, our prayer for all today! - My Lord God, we have no idea where we are going. We do not see the road ahead of us. We cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do we really know ourselves, and the fact that we think we am following your will does not mean that we are actually doing so. But we believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And we hope we have that desire in all that we are doing. We hope that we will never do anything apart for that desire. And we know that if we do this you will lead us by the right road though we may know nothing about it. Therefore we will trust you always though we may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. We will not fear, for you are ever with us, and you will never leave us to face our perils alone. Amen! (Adapted from a prayer by Thomas Merton) - I pray, we pray this for all in Boston, for all of the good people in the world, and like Stephen we pray for all people today!

Runner’s Thought: Let us dedicate our run today to the people of Boston. Let us dedicate our run today to those who lost their lives and their families and friends who grieve their loss. Let us dedicate our run today to all those injured in body, mind and spirit. Let us dedicate our run today to all who responded with courage, compassion and care. Let us dedicate our run today to all who did not get a chance to finish their run yesterday. Let us dedicate our run today to the city and people of Boston. Let us dedicate our run today to peace in our world that we may one day run free in faith, hope and love! Let us dedicate our run today and every day!

Greetings everyone on the Tuesday! I hope you are all well and finding a way to cope with the events of yesterday. As I mentioned at the beginning of my daily thoughts I am a runner and I have run the Boston Marathon twice in my life. It was truly a great experience and the events of yesterday touched me deeply. I am giving a Parish Mission here in Mount Holly, NJ at Sacred Heart Parish and I want the people of Boston to know that we are holding you in our prayers.

I also want to thank the many people who have contacted me in some way over these last 24 hours with concern and care. Some thinking I might be in Boston running the marathon other knowing that I wasn’t but thought of me because I run. Thank you so much for your care and concern! It really touched me. One of my nieces sent me a beautiful texted this morning it truly made my day but then I have always known that is what nieces, nephews, family and friends do that is why I am so blessed!

I am praying that we all have a better day than yesterday. May you all truly be safe. May you all find peace today. May you all be held closely by God today and may you all truly know that you are loved today! Peace in Christ’s Passion and Hope in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

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