Saturday, April 20, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 04/20/2013

Daily Thoughts: “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Another great moment in the life of Peter, things are falling apart, there seem to be chaos, confusion and disarray. Yet, Peter knows right where to go. Peter knows the value of his relationship, his friendship with Jesus.

Perhaps, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,” should be a prayer we pray each and every morning before we do anything. Perhaps it should be our prayer each night as we ready for bed. In each moment we would stop and center ourselves in the presence of God. We would center ourselves in our friendship with Jesus. We would remind ourselves of the source by which we should live our life.

This week has been a crazy, chaotic and confusing. It has been a week of great loss and sadness. It has been a week when we have questioned things that we value and hold near and dear. It has been a week when we have wondered about the future. It has been a week of anger, frustration and profound struggle. It has been a week of prayer, a week of searching for hope. It has been a week to remember the innocent and honor the brave.

Perhaps it has also been a week that reminds us to whom we should always go. Who it is that has, the Words, the gift and the hope of eternal life!

Daily Prayer: O God, we come to you today because you do have the words, the gift and the hope of eternal life. We remember all who have fallen this week especially in Boston and Texas. We thank you for the gift of their lives and we ask you to now hold them dearly. We thank you for the many brave people we ran into the valley of death and offered comfort and hope to the many others we were hurt and struggling. We thank you that the terror of these last days is over for the moment yet we know that evil still walks among us! Help us to hear your words of eternal life today as they are spoken in our world and in our hearts. Grace us with the gift of your loving presence today and always. Loving God, we know we must always some to you in good time and bad because you do have the words of hope that will help us continue our journeys to eternal life. Amen!

Runner’s Thought: Run strong today! Run for those lost and hurt in Boston. Run for those lost and hurt in Texas. Run for those who bravely helped in both places. Run strong against terror, run strong for peace. Run strong with God!

Blessing on this Saturday to all! I hope you have begun a weekend that will give you a chance to rest and relax at least a little. It has been a long week full of much stress and sadness. Hopefully we have turned the corner toward sunny, warm and hope filled days.

The mission at Sacred Heart Parish, in Mount Holly, NJ fished up wonderfully on Wednesday. There was a great spirit there. Friday I celebrated a Confirmation Retreat with some students of St. Barnabas Parish in the Bronx. It was a very spirit filled day also. I will keep these young people in my prayers as they continue to prepare for their Confirmation next month. Today I head out to Long Island and the town of Wantagh where I will begin a mission tonight at St. Frances de Chantal Parish. I am looking forward to my time there. If you are in the area why not come and join us on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. There is a morning mission talk after the 9:00 am parish mass and an evening mission service at 7:30 pm.

Again, blessing to all today and throughout the weekend, may you truly find time to enjoy the gift of life especially with family and friends. Peace in Christ’s Passion and Hope in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

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