Friday, June 21, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 06/21/2013

Daily Thoughts: “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” In other words what you value in life is what will be most important. I have always liked these words of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel (Matt. 6:19-23). I have often used them in my preaching and also as a self-examination.

What do we/I value? What do we/I hold important? What is most important to us? What is the center of our life?  What do we give ourselves to heart and soul? What can we not do without? When we strip away all the trappings of the world, when we are truthful with ourselves, what is it we really value? Not what do we say we value, but what do we really value? If we can answer these questions then we will know just what our treasure is.

I think it is important from time to time to answer these questions in our own life and to answer them as Church, as a faith community. The world is constantly after us to value things, things that will not last. The world entices with “bigger is better,” “the one who has the most toys wins,” “life is about me.”  So from time to time we need to ask, we need to know where out heart is.

Today can we answer the question, “Where is our heart?” Perhaps more importantly when we answer the question do we like our answer?

Daily Prayer: O God, we thank you this day for loving us and we open our hearts and ask you to come in. Please make our hearts your home now and forever. Teach us where our hearts must be and be the true treasure in our life. Help us to always make you the center of our life. Amen!

Runner’s Thought: If we approach each run as a pilgrimage and believe that the realization of our goals of this running pilgrimage happen with each step taken, then we are truly wandering down a sacred path. Our runs become holy. If we run with a sense of the sacred in our heart we transform the earth beneath our feet into holy ground. If we run with the intention to find God, then we become pilgrims. If we have the pilgrims sacred intention then we change a simple, humble run into “God’s Run!” (Adapted from Roger Joslin – Running the Spiritual Path)

Happy Summer everyone! Happy longest day of daylight! Happy Friday! Yes, there is a lot to celebrate today. We have a day rich in daylight, a season in which to find rest and relaxation beginning and we have made it to the end of another work week. So find a way to celebrate at least a little today.

I hope your week has gone well and that you will get a chance to enjoy the weekend that is almost upon us. I know some of my followers have been resting and relaxing all week as they got started on the summer early. They may be traveling today or this weekend so I pray for safe travel for all who will be one the road, on the sea or in the air!

If you are wondering about my day yesterday on the golf course, I hit the little white ball often and I left the house with 6 of them and returned home with 1. Enough said, but I was with some great people!

Have a great Friday everyone and may God bless you in your journey through this day! Peace in Christ Passion…Fr. Paul

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