Monday, May 5, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 05/05/2014

Daily Thoughts: Today’s readings are preludes to tomorrow stories, the martyrdom of Stephen and Jesus’ discourse on the “Bread of Life.” In some ways we can say that today’s readings are about seeing and hearing and we learn that some people only see and hear what they want to see and hear. When we live life this way we open ourselves to the possibility of missing the gift, the presence of God in our life.

The religious leaders surrounding Stephen today only see and hear what they want to see and hear. They miss the very gift from God that Stephen brings to them, the very gift of God that Stephen is. They miss a chance to grow, to see and hear thing differently. They have already decided who and what Stephen is thus God has no chance.

The people following after Jesus in today’s Gospel are caught up in the miracles that Jesus has performed. They are not listening to his words, they are not open to the presence of God, they want more miraculous things. Jesus reminds them that in order for good things to happen they have to be open to the gift and presence of God in their lives. That they have to believe not in what they see and hear but in the presence of Jesus in their lives!

Often we only see and hear what we want. God can be speaking to us, calling us down a new path but we miss it. Today let us open our eyes, our ears and our hearts to the many different ways that God can be present in our lives especially those ways beyond what we want to see and hear!

Have a great Monday everyone and don’t forget to make a joyful noise with your life today!

Daily Prayer: Loving God open our minds and hearts to the gift of your presence. Helps us to see you and hear you in every person we encounter, every experience we have and every moment we live today. Grace us with eyes and ears that don’t just see and hear the obvious but that are open to every way you come into our lives. Enable us to be your Easter people of faith, hope and love today and always. Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: As we run today let us look at our run this way that everywhere we put our foot today we will feel the presence of God. God is our friend and our closeness to our friend God is in the placement of our foot with each stride we take during our run. We run today knowing that God is underneath us, beside us, within us!

Daily Blessing: Happy Cinco De Mayo everyone and Monday blessings to all! I hope everyone is having a good start to this new week. I find myself getting ready to head out today to give a Confirmation Retreat Day to the students of St. Barnabas School in the Bronx. The day will be held at St. Joseph Seminary in Yonkers. This is the first half of the Confirmation class I will do the second half tomorrow. Please keep these young people in your prayers and if you have the time remember their preacher, presenter also!

This will be a busy week with two Confirmation Days and my annual physical. It is also the week before our provincial chapter and so some preparation needs to be done in anticipation of next week’s chapter meetings. We will be electing leadership and trying to vision our future for the next four years. Please keep the Passionists of the Eastern Province of the United States in your prayers.

My prayer of blessing this morning is that God will bless your day with the faith of St. Stephen, the hope of a new day and week and the love of many people in your life. Many you be blessed with God’s presence in your travels, your work and your encounters with others. May you be graced with much love from the people who mean the most in your life! Blessings upon everyone this week have a great Monday and a great week. You can be assured of my prayers as you journey through this week. I hope your weather is warming up and that you will have a rich and faith filled week! Peace in Christ’s Passion and Joy in the Risen Christ…Fr. Paul

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