Saturday, May 10, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 05/10/2014

Daily Thoughts: “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Another great moment in the life of Peter, things are falling apart, there seem to be chaos, confusion and disarray. Yet, Peter knows right where to go. Peter knows the value of his relationship, his friendship with Jesus.

Perhaps, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,” could be a prayer we pray each and every morning before we do anything. Perhaps it could be our prayer each night as we ready for bed. Imagine stopping for a moment of prayer that would center us in the presence of God, a prayer that would center us in our friendship with Jesus, a prayer that would remind us of the source by which we can live our life.

In the midst of all the craziness that life can through our way; in the midst of all the loss, sadness and confusion the life can offer us; in the midst of those times when we question things that we value and hold near and dear; in the midst of those times when we wonder about the future; in the midst of those times when we struggle with anger and frustration and in the midst of those times when in our prayer we seem to be searching for hope. Isn’t it nice to have a simple prayer that can once again focus us on the center of our life?

Perhaps it the gift of today’s Gospel is that it reminds us where we need to go in the midst of the struggles of life. It reminds us who it is that has, the Words, the gift, the joy and the hope of eternal life!

Have a great Saturday everyone and don’t forget to make a joyful noise with your life today!

Daily Prayer: O God, we come to you today because you do have the words, the gift and the hope of eternal life. Help us to hear your words of eternal life today as they are spoken in our world and in our hearts. Grace us with the gift of your loving presence today and always. Loving God, we know we must always come to you in good time and bad because you do have the words of hope that will help us continue our journeys to eternal life. Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: “But I also realize that winning doesn't always mean getting first place; it means getting the best out of yourself.” (Meb Keflezighi) “The reason we race isn't so much to beat each other... but to be with each other.” (Christopher McDougall)

Daily Blessing: Saturday blessings to all! I hope you have begun a weekend that will give you a chance to rest and relax at least a little. Hopefully we have turned the corner toward sunny, warm and hope filled days.

The Sunday Mass taping yesterday went well it was our last taping until September so we are now on summer break. This weekend will be a quite one for me. Nothing going on, no place I have to be. It will be a time to prepare for our Provincial Chapter which begins on Monday and noon at Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center in West Hartford. If I told you I was looking forward to it I would be lying. It will be four and a half days of shear hell for me. However it is a necessary evil. Please keep the Passionists of the Eastern Province in your prayers over this next week and we try to discern the future and elect people to leadership!

If I can get through this coming week there will be life the following week as I will head to Harrisburg, PA to preach a Eucharistic Devotion at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Harrisburg from Saturday May 17th until Tuesday May 20th. I will be preaching all the masses over the weekend and then giving two evening talks, one on Monday May 19th and the other on Tuesday 20th. From Harrisburg I will head to St. Ann’s Parish in Garden City, Long Island where I will be giving a talk at 7:30 pm on Thursday evening May 22nd. I will finish up my week in Fairfax, VA on Saturday where I will con-celebrate the mass at which my grandniece Emelia will receive her First Holy Communion. So you see if I can get through hell next there is a week of heaven beyond!

I offer a prayer of blessing for all of you today no matter what this week has been for you or what lies ahead. May God bless all of you today and throughout the weekend, may you truly find time to enjoy the gift of life especially with family and friends. Peace in Christ’s Passion and Hope in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

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