Saturday, June 21, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 06/21/2014

Daily Thought: There is a verse in St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians that I often ponder. “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:1-10). Over the years I have come to realize just how true this statement is. God’s grace is enough and power is much more powerful when it comes out of weakness.

We spend a good portion of our life seeking some sort of power; the power of love, the power of fame, the power of important, the power of success, the power of accomplishment,, the power of wealth, the power of comfort, the power of self. There are many powers that we seek, yet it is only when we realize that we are powerless that the true power, the power of God is recognized.

It is at the moments of our life when we let go and let God that we are truly powerful people. It is at the moments of our life when we trust in the grace of God that we are truly powerful people.

Now this is not an easy answer to come to, sometimes it takes a life time. Just look at St. Paul’s life. It took an experience of the Risen Christ along the road to Damascus for Paul to begin to understand real power in his life.

Often for us, it is not a profound experience of the Risen Christ but the ordinary struggles, challenges and sorrows of life that can help us come to the source of real power. It is coming to the realization that we cannot serve two masters as Jesus points out in the Gospel (Matthew 6:24-34). It is making the conscious choice to put God at the center of our life. It is trusting in the reality that when we are weak we are strong. It is not worrying about tomorrow but living today!

Have a great day everyone and don't forget to make a joyful noise with your life today!

Daily Prayer: Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding and my entire will, all I have and call my own. You have given all to me. To you, Lord, I return it. Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace. That is enough for me. (A prayer by St. Ignatius Loyola)

A Runner’s Thoughts: Running can be a time for finding out who we really are, it is time on the road, the sidewalk, the trial with no one to measure our distance but ourselves.  Running can be finding out our true character as we run lap after lap. It can be not giving up when exhausted and journeying to the finish. Running can help us to trust in ourselves and know somehow that God’s grace is enough for us.

Daily Blessing: Saturday greetings to all and happy first day of summer! I hope your Saturday has started off well? It is a cloudy day here in Hawthorn Woods as it has been off and on for the last few days. Summer has arrived in all its beauty and all its unpredictable weather.

I was sitting out in my brother’s backyard the other afternoon, just enjoying the day and my thoughts went back to my days in Riverdale. I realized if I were there I might have been sitting on the roof enjoying the beauty of the Great River. It saddened me for a moment but then I was glad to have the memory still alive within me and I was also glad to be with my brother and his family.

Well friends I hope this first day of summer is a good one for you. In a few hours I will be heading north into Wisconsin as I travel to Manitowoc, WI where I will make my home for the next two weeks as I give retreats to the Franciscan Sisters of Charity. I am looking forward to my time there. Please pray for the sisters who will be on retreat and for their preacher.

I pray that God will bless your day today. May you be gifted and blessed with smiles, laughter, family, friends, fun and peace today! And be safe out there if you are traveling!  Have a great day and may you be blessed with God’s joy in whatever you do and wherever you go. May God’s joy be found in the people you meet today and within you! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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