Saturday, September 20, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 09/20/2014

Daily Thoughts: I have often used the parable of the Sower and the Seed that we find in today Gospel in my mission preaching. And even though Jesus explains it to his disciples I usually use a different interpretation. Jesus talks about the different kinds of soil in the parable as being different kinds of people however I often use the different kinds of soil to represent different conditions of our hearts.

If we say that Jesus is the sower and our hearts are the field, then as Jesus sowers the seed his word, his grace, his blessing, his hope, his love in our life the seed encounter four different kinds of soil. Three of which do not allow the seed to grow and one of which does. In other words, perhaps our parable today asks us to look into our own hearts to see what might not allow God’s grace, God’s blessing, God’s hope or God’s love to grow within us.

It might be the hardness of the foot path. The place of our heart that have been hurt, stepped on by the struggles of life. All of us have been hurt in life, by words, actions, the lack of words or the lack of actions in life. When we are hurt we harden so that we don’t get hurt again.

We might have some rock, stones, pebbles or boulders in our hearts that take up room and don’t allow the seed to grow. Rocks and boulders you ask? Our sinfulness, our faults and failings, our character defects, the sins in our life that take up space in our hearts and do not allow anything to grow with in that place of our hearts.

Then there are the weeds and thorns, the stuff of life, sometimes good stuff that is over grown and chokes of whatever God plants. The things of life that often become more important than our relationship with God. Sometimes good things that become gods and choke off the grace, the blessing, the hope and the love that God offers us as a gift.

We want our hearts to be all good soil. Soil ready and willing to accept whatever God plants so that it will grow and produce fruit a hundredfold! Why not take some time today and look into your heart. What is not allowing the grace of God to be planted, take root and grow within you? What places in your heart need a little word so that they become good soil?

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Daily Prayer:
O God, seek us, O God, find us
In your patient care;
Be your love before, behind us,
Round us, everywhere:
Lest the god of this world blind us,
Lest he speak us fair,
Lest he forge a chain to bind us,
Lest he bait a snare,
Turn not from us, call to mind us,
Find, embrace us, bear;
Be your love before, behind us,
Round us, everywhere. Amen!
(Adapted from a prayer by Christina Rossetti)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Running transported him, taking his mind to another place, very deep within. Like prayer.” (Richard Christian Matheson, "Third Wind") Will be dare to let running and prayer take us to another place deep within ourselves today?

Daily Blessing: Happy Saturday and blessings of rest and peace to all today! I hope your day has started off well. I am sitting and waiting for the Chimney Cleaners to arrive this morning. They are to be here between 9 am and 12 noon. My luck it will be right at noon. I am also working on my homily for this weekend as I have mass this evening at 5 pm at St. Malachy’s Church in Manhattan and the noon mass tomorrow at St. John and St. Mary Parish in Chappaqua, NY. If you are in the area of either of these two churches come and join me in celebrating the Lord’s Day!

My prayer of blessing for all of you as I begin this new day is that God will bless all your endeavors, your encounters, your times of solitude, your moments of busyness and your times of rest today. May this day be what you need it to be. May it be a gift from God that enables you to find the present of God in your life, especially within yourself! Have a great day and don’t forget to give a little time to God this weekend. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

PS You can also catch me on the Sunday Mass broadcast nationwide on ABC Family Channel at 6:30 am or online at

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