Monday, January 5, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 01/05/2015

Daily Thoughts: St. John in the first reading today makes it sound so simple. If we believe we will know what is of God and what is not. Sure when someone speaks against Jesus it is a sure sign that we should not follow in that direction, however there are many voices, many spirits out there that claim to be followers of Jesus yet I am not always sure their way is the way to go.

John reminds us we need to believe in the name of Jesus and love one another, yet often the very people who ask us to believe in the name of Jesus do not seem to love others. What should we think? What should we believe? It doesn't always seem clear cut. Certainly John did not live in this age of mass communication, of social media. The challenge of today is how to believe, how do we test the spirits to see whether they belong to God?

To be honest with you I do not have an answer, for me it is a work in progress. I listen, I digest, I compare and I pray and hope that I make the right choice, the right decision. I pray and hope that I am walking with God. One of my criteria for testing the spirits of today comes from the Gospel today, from the life of Jesus. The criteria that I place on today's spirits is how compassionate are they. Jesus' life was about compassion for others. I test the spirits of today with a sense of how compassionate are they? How caring for others are they? How willing are they to provide hope in a troubled world? How willing are they to unite not divide people? It is not always easy to make the call, to know for sure, but the spirits of today must past the Jesus test, they must be spirits that proclaim the "Good News!"

Have a great Monday everyone and stay warm!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, help us to become images of your light for all, especially those caught in the darkness of injustice and violence. May we always live in your spirit so that we too, like Jesus, might bring compassion, healing and hope to a world caught in the grip of the spirits of fear, hatred, anger, violence and injustice! Amen!

A Runner's Thought: As you run look for good in the world that you pass by, look for good in the people you encounter, sense the good in you and know you do not run alone!

Daily Blessing: Monday blessings to all! To all who find strength and draw upon the spirit of St. John Neumann – Happy Feast Day!

We enter the first full week of work in a few so I hope you are rested, refreshed and ready to take on what life has in store for you this week. To make things a little less inviting at least here in the northeast the cold weather is back upon us and it seems that as the week goes on the colder it will get! So bundle up, stay warm and think spring!

I pray for God’s blessing upon all of us today that we will have a blessed and holy day and that we will encounter only the Spirit of God in our work, our travels and our living of life! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Just a Note: On Thursday this week, January 8th, I will be giving a Day of Recollection at the Bishop Molloy Passionist Retreat House in Jamaica, New York. The day runs from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm with a Talk, Time for Reconciliation, Mass and Lunch all for only $30 and you get me too! What a deal! My theme for the day is “Living the Joy of the Gospel.” If you are interested please contact the Retreat House and make a reservation (718-739-1229) or go to their web site Hope to see you there if you are in the area!

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