Saturday, January 24, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 01/24/2015

Daily Thoughts: The Gospel today is an interesting one. It is short and to the point. The crowds are pressing in on Jesus, he does not have a moment to breath, pray or eat and his family and friends are not too sure about all that he is doing, they go so far as to say, "He is out of his mind." I have always found that an interesting line in the Gospel. I don't think we often, if ever, use the phrase, "He us out of his mind." to describe Jesus. It almost seems irreverent! Yet that is what his family and friends thought and in a way it is comforting. I don't know how often people have thought that "I am out of my mind," because of the things I have done or the busyness of my life or the thoughts that I express or the stands that I take. It is comforting to know that at least for a moment Jesus and I share the same struggle concerning how people see us.

Perhaps many of the things Jesus did, experienced and lived out seemed crazy. How often today does someone point out that Jesus would have done it this way and because it doesn't fit with how we live life we think or say the person is crazy. Jesus asks us to do a lot of crazy things, love our enemies, pray for our persecutor, forgive, be in the company of sinners, accept people for who they are, step across boundaries in order to bring about healing and life. It may seem crazy, in doing these things it might seem like we are out of our minds, but remember we are in good company!

Happy Saturday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, we are out of our mind in love with you today. Help us to stir into a flame the fire of this love so that may never be ashamed of our friendship with you. Entrust us with the power and hope of peace and your love in this life and the gift of eternal life with you. Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: Try to transform your run today from just a run to a sacred experience by letting God run with you!

Daily Blessing: Happy Saturday everyone! I wakened to the sound of snow blowers this morning. Yes in the overnight hours we had snow here is Pelhma. It looks to be about 3 or 4 inches but it is hard to tell as it is now raining. As I sit here at my desk the snow from the roof is cascading down as the temperatures continue to rise.

I first must send a special shout out to my Great Niece Kristina Marie who celebrates her fifth birthday today! Happy Birthday Little One – Special K! May you have a great day and may it be a day of many blessings! Much Love…Great Uncle Paul or Uncle GUP

I also learned this morning that a man I ministered with many years ago at the Bishop Molloy Retreat House died this week, Mr. John Moreno. John was a very fine, faith filled man, a retired NYPD police officer and a longtime member of the retreat house team. I didn’t always agree with John but I respected his faithfulness, his hard work and his commitment to his faith. I did not know that he was ill and unfortunately I only learned of his death this morning which is the morning of his funeral. I wish I could have gone to pay my respects to him and his family. May you now rest in peace with Our Lord, John!

I pray your Saturday will go well and that you are navigating through whatever Mother Nature and life are throwing your way. My prayer of blessing for you today is this wherever you are today, whomever you are with or will encounter and whatever you are doing or will do - I prayer that you will be blessed with the grace, love and presence of God. Enjoy your day, think positive thoughts, wear a smile and trust that God journeys with you! Blessings to all on your journey through this Saturday see you on Sunday! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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