Sunday, January 25, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 01/25/2015

Daily Thoughts: The two things that caught my attention in our scriptures today are – how quickly the people of Nineveh respond to Jonah’s preaching and how quickly the Simon, Andrew, James and John respond to Jesus’ invitation. If I didn’t know better I might think that all of them had read the section of St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians that we did today and figured that they were running out of time!

I am always a little concerned when we encounter such profound responses in the scripture like the ones today because I know from my own life experience that responding to God is not always easy. Sometimes I have to be hit over the head several times before God’s message, invitation or call sinks in.

I mean just take Jonah’s situation as an example. Think of yourself walking through any big city in the United States, New York, Chicago, Los Angles or any other large city and you are proclaiming the Word of God. What would you expect to happen? Imagine yourself standing in the middle of Times Square proclaiming the Good News. What would you expect to happen? Not what happened to Jonah is my guess!

Now imagine yourself in the midst of your daily life. Perhaps you are getting ready to walk out the door to work. Perhaps you are busy getting your children ready to head off to school. Perhaps you are sitting in front of your computer working to support your family. Perhaps you are sitting in a doctor’s office waiting for your appointment. Perhaps you are at Starbucks waiting for your morning coffee. A man approaches you. A man you have never met before and he says, “Follow me!” Would you go? My guess is no. However that is exactly what happens in the Gospel today and Simon, Andrew, James and John say yes!

Our scriptures today tell us that God’s Word, the Good News is very powerful. It can change peoples’ perspective, it can change peoples’ lives in an instant if they let it. The Good News can awaken us from the tedium of life. It can give us a new perspective. The Good News can be something new and wonderful if we let it into our lives.

Perhaps the people of Nineveh were just waiting for a new message, a new chance, a new perspective on life. Perhaps Simon, Andrew, James and John were waiting for a new opportunity to love life. Pope Francis has told us that – “Instead of imposing new obligations, (Christians) should appear as people who wish to share their joy, who point to a horizon of beauty and who invite others to a delicious banquet.” Perhaps that is exactly how Jonah appeared to the people of Nineveh and how Jesus appeared Simon, Andrew, James and John.

Our scriptures challenge us to bring the joy, beauty, the delicious banquet of God’s kingdom, God’s love, God’s presence to the world. They challenge us to proclaim the Good News with our words but more importantly with our life!

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Glorious Saint Paul, Most zealous Apostle, Martyr for the love of Christ, give us a deep faith, a steadfast hope, and a burning love for our Lord. So that we can proclaim with you, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” Help us to put on Christ, as God’s chosen ones, clothed with compassion, kindness, humility and patience. Make us “ambassadors for Christ,” always proclaiming our salvation with faith, hope and love. Help us to seek the unity of all members of Christ’s body. Amen.

A Runner's Thoughts: Remember it is your intention that sets you apart from every other runner. So today and every day have the intention of life and the willingness to celebrate the gift of life!

Daily Blessing: Sunday greetings and blessings to all! If it were not a Sunday we would be celebrating the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle! To all who might bear the name Paul, like myself or who might find St. Paul and this feast dedicated to his conversion a source of inspiration and strength, like myself, many blessings and much peace.

I always celebrate the gift of St. Paul whenever I can. Today is one of my favorite feasts throughout the year! I will remember St. Paul as I celebrate Sunday mass at 6 pm this evening at St. Francis de Sales Church in Manhattan. It is not the same when this feast falls on a Sunday but it doesn’t stop me from drawing upon the presence of St. Paul in my life and celebrating that presence at least a little!

We are also preparing for another blast of winter here in the Northeast. They say it will begin sometime on Monday and last well into Tuesday. The prediction right now is 12-18 inches and perhaps more. Luckily I am still in a down mode so it will not affect anything in my life, however I know it will cause problems for many so I am praying the weather folks are off in their predictions!

My blessing prayer is very simple this Sunday morning - May the spirit of St. Paul the Apostle be with all of us throughout this day. May his energy enliven our work, our ministry, our living of life today and always. Many blessings and remember with St. Paul's help we too can get up when we are knocked down and life will be better because we do! Remember to give God a little time today. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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