Monday, July 27, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 07/27/2015

Daily Thoughts: In today’s gospel from Matthew (13:31-35), Jesus invites those listening to consider the Kingdom of Heaven by using to examples. The example is that of the parable of the mustard seed which from my perspective brings to mind the unexpected awesome experience of God’s Kingdom starting out as something tiny, something almost invisible and then becoming something all inclusive, all-embracing, a universal entity that welcomes all people. 

The second example is a parable, about a woman who took leaven and mixed it into the dough. This was a familiar experience that the people of Jesus’ time could connect with.  They had seen the dough rise after a tiny amount of leaven had been mixed with it.  Jesus invited them to see the effect a tiny movement, a tiny experience could have on society at large.

Perhaps what are Gospel is calling us to today is what Pope Francis is calling us to in his recent encyclical, Laudato Si. We are being called to be a mustard seed or that little pinch of yeast. In other words, we are being called to give life to the presence of God in our own lives, and to be sensitive to the needs of those around us. We are called to focus on our common home, common good, and common responsibility as we strive in little, practical ways to bring a tiny piece of heaven wherever we go.  This is a marvelous opportunity to open our minds and hearts to experience the saving love of Jesus here and now and give us a taste of the eternal life that awaits each one of us.

Have a great Monday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, bless us and all that we do today, with the blessing of your love and mercy. Awaken in us our true image, our true likeness, our true gift. Water with your rain the dry places of our hearts and souls. Let your Holy Spirit direct us from the beginning of this day until its end and your Holy Spirit be our will, our work, and our end. Amen (Adapted from a prayer by Jacob Böhme)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Running is meant to be enjoyed, not endured.” (Catherine McKiernan) So to in the spiritual life – our relationship, our friendship with God is meant to be enjoyed, lived, not just endured!

Daily Blessing: Monday greetings and blessings to everyone! I hope your day has started off well. After ten days of novena it is a very quiet morning here in Scranton yet as I look out my window it looks to be another beautiful day. We had a wonderful closing to the novena last night and in a few hours I will head east back to Pelham. Please know all your prayer intentions offered each day and will remain in my prayers.

Have a great day everyone. May it truly be a good start to your week, but if not please know that I am praying that things will get better for you. May God’s blessings be upon you wherever you are and wherever your life brings you today. May your day be rich in God’s grace, hope, love and joy and may you find the strength and energy to share God’s blessings with whomever you meet! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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