Saturday, October 10, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 10/10/2015

Daily Thoughts: Today we have a very brief, two-line Gospel. One in which we hear a woman call to Jesus, “Blessed is the womb that carried you and the breasts at which you nursed.”  But Jesus’ responds, “Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.”

I think in our Gospel today Jesus is suggesting that we change our focus. That we look at life through a different lens. He is not discounting his own mother and their close relationship, for Jesus family is more than biology, more than DNA, family is hearing the Word of God and living it. Jesus is telling us that our own relationship with God can be blessed if we use God’s word as a lens through which we look at and then live life.

In today’s Gospel we are invited to be family with others beyond our immediate family relationships. We are to include others because we have been included by Jesus.

As we have encounters over the last three plus year with Pope Francis, he is a person who has heard the word of God and who lives it. He finds Jesus in the faces and lives of the poor and struggling in our world.  And by his words and actions Pope Francis asks us to open our hearts to the hungry, the poor and the marginalized. He asks us to open our hearts to those struggling in the world because they are family.

We are called be the Word of God to reach out to others who need us as a way to really unite to Jesus and his mission on earth.  What does Jesus want from us? Jesus wants a family. Jesus wants a friendship.  Jesus isn’t looking for us to read more about him or discuss the theology of his ministry.  Jesus longs for a close and personal friendship with us as we speak to him about our lives and lean on him for support in times of need. Blessed by his love, we hear the call to keep his word by loving as he has loved us, by being family to all.

Jesus invites us today reach out to those who need us. Pope Francis calls us over and over again be a society, a church, a family of inclusion, dialog and service for all.

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, turn us into the arms, hands, legs and feet of your beloved Son, Jesus. You gave birth to us on the earth to become his living body. Make us worthy to be his arms, hands, legs and feet and so worthy to share in his eternal life. Amen (Adapted from a prayer by St. Hildegard of Bingen)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “I view life as a series of training events building up to the big race and final finish line and I am always in training, always in the process of reaching the final goal.” (Matthew Shafner)

Daily Blessing: Saturday greetings and blessings to all! I hope your Saturday has gotten off to a good start. It is a beautiful sunny day here in Pelham after a night of storms and rain. I hope you are enjoying the beauty of all wherever you are today.

I would as that we continue to prayer for the Synod on the Family taking place in Rome this month. May those involved be truly open to God’s Spirit so as to help our Church grow and be a source of life for the world. May those involved hear the Word of God and live it!

My prayer of blessing for all of you today is that God will bless all your endeavors, your encounters, your times of solitude, your moments of busyness and your times of rest today. May this day be what you need it to be. May it be a gift from God that enables you to find the present of God in your life, especially within yourself! Have a great Saturday and don’t forget to give a little time to God this weekend. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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