Monday, November 9, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 11/09/2015

Daily Thoughts: Today we celebrate the feast of the dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. It is the Pope’s local parish church as bishop of Rome. It is considered “the mother and head of all churches of the city of Rome and the whole world.” It has with stood barbarian attacks, earthquakes and fire. It is a physical sign of the presence of God not only in buildings but throughout the world.

In our first reading from the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12), we hear about the Israelites struggles in exile. It is the experience of lifelessness, it is the experience of earth where nothing will grow. It is the experience of being without their own land, their own homes, their own Temple. The prophet Ezekiel has this vision of the new Temple. It is a spring welling up, flows East, transforming the desolate land of the Arabah region (like a new garden of Eden), and it enters the Dead Sea, purifying it.  This spring of water brings life and healing.

In our Gospel today (John 2:13-22), we encounter the famous story of Jesus overturning tables, making a whip out of cords and driving out all those who are making his Father’s house a marketplace.  The moneychangers and sellers, who became rich at the cost of the poor, are driven out.  In answer to the religious leaders request for a sign, Jesus says: “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.”  They do not understand him.  His disciples, however, remember these words when Jesus rose from the dead on the third day.

In our middle reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 3:9c-11, 16-17), St. Paul preaches the good news of Jesus and baptized them in Christ so that each could become God’s “building,” with God’s Spirit dwelling in them. 

Perhaps as we reflect on our readings today on feast of the Lateran Basilica, we might take the time to remember that Christ dwells in each one of us, that he gives us the courage to overcome our weaknesses and become holy temples of God.  We might find ourselves parched, struggling, and lifeless at times, but with God’s grace flowing like a stream through us, we are challenged to give life to the presence of God wherever we go and to whomever we meet.

Have a great Monday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Christ, Savior of all life, you come to us always. Let us welcome you in the peace of our nights, in the silence of our days, in the beauty of creation, in the hours of great struggle within, welcoming you is knowing that you will be with us in every situation, always. Amen. (Adapted from a prayer by Brother Roger of Taizé)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like the muscles of the body.” (Lynn Jennings) So to in the spiritual life…Faith is our spiritual muscle that needs strengthened just like our mental and physical muscles.

Daily Blessing: Monday blessings and greetings to all! I hope your Monday has begun well. It looks to be a nice day here in Pelham though I don’t know for sure because the sun has not yet risen but in the first light there seems to be positive signs.

I have a busy week ahead as I try to get some significant paperwork done before hitting the road again on Saturday. I don’t really like paperwork but it is necessary to my ministry so I will be strapping myself to my desk chair and forging ahead! I hope whatever you face this week you too will be able forge ahead in a positive way!

My prayer of blessing this morning is a simple one – I ask God’s blessings be upon all of you today. May God bless you and protect you. May God’s face smile upon you. May God’s grace enter into all that you do and say. May you live today rich in a harvest of faith, hope and love which God has planted within you and may you always know that nothing can separate you from the love of God! Many blessings to you as you journey through this day. Have a great Monday everyone. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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