Thursday, December 24, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 12/24/2015

Daily Thoughts: The journey of Advent is almost over, later today we will gather with many others to begin the celebration of Christmas. The question might be will we gather with the faith and joy of Zechariah?

So often there are things that get in the way of our recognizing the gift and presence of God in our lives. You might say like Zechariah we become mute. We are so busy with what we think is important we fail to speak of God's presence in our life. We fail to recognize the gift of God's love in our life.  We fail to trust in the promises of God like the one's made to David and proclaimed by Zechariah in today's Gospel.

As we enter this final morning of Advent on this Eve of Christmas we are called to remember the promises, we are called to celebrate the gift, we are called to be joyous, we are called to bless God, we are called to put our feet on the way to peace!

May these wonderful days of celebration open our mouths and our hearts to proclaim the promises of God that we encounter as we gather with family, friends and a community of faith. May we celebrate with the joy and spirit of Zechariah blessing God and embracing peace!

Have a great Thursday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Before I offer you a prayer today just a short little thought to remind us just what prayer is…"Prayer is freedom and affirmation growing out of nothingness into love. Prayer is the flowering of our inmost freedom, in response to the Word of God. Prayer is not only dialogue with God: it is the communion of our freedom with his ultimate freedom, his infinite spirit." (Thomas Merton)

May this be our prayer today!

Loving God, may the dawn from on high break upon us today and enlighten the journey of Christmas in our hearts. May it help us to proclaim your love to all we meet and may that love be the source of all our gatherings this day and always. May our celebration of Christmas truly find us walking on the way to your peace. Amen.

A Runner's Thoughts: “But when work is infused with joy, it changes everything about the attitude behind the effort. The resistance is removed. Things flow rather than push.” (Kristin Armstrong) Judge the quality of your run today by the steadfastness of your movement towards God's spirit.

Daily Blessing: Thursday greetings and blessings to all and happy Christmas Eve! Yes, later today Advent will be over and we will begin our celebration of Christmas. Hopefully you are where you need to be if not please travel safe.

It looks like we have gotten beyond the rain that seemed to be never ending yesterday. The warm temperatures remain with us as they are talking about a record high today. No white Christmas but certain a mild one.

I will be busy today as I have a mass this morning at the Wartburg Home and then this evening I have a mass with the Sisters of Charity at Mount St. Vincent College. It will be a lot of running around but in a nice way, helping people enter into the joy of Christmas. Whether you are heading out to Christmas Mass this afternoon, evening, night or tomorrow may it truly be a blessed and holy gathering and celebration!

As we enter into this final day of Advent that will lead us to celebrate the Feast of Christmas later today and tomorrow let us use the closing words of Zechariah in today’s Gospel as our blessing – Loving God, in your tender compassion and mercy let the dawn from on high shall break upon us. Let it shine on us and on a world that sometimes find itself in the darkness of struggle and the shadow of death. May your presence today guide our feet into the way of peace. May we begin our celebration of Christmas not focused what we will get but on what we already have your love in our life. May our celebration of this day be truly blessed with the gift of family, friends and God's love! Remember to give a little time to God today and tomorrow. Peace in the Christ Child...Fr. Paul

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