Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 01/06/2016

Daily Thoughts: After praying with today’s readings the question that I asked myself is, "What do I most fear?" In answering this question, I came up with many examples of things that at time cause me to be afraid. Sometimes I fear the future because of the state of the world, all the anger, discontent and violence that seems to make us everyday life. I sometimes fear the future of our Church because of all the things that have happened over the last 15 or 20 years. As a priest and a religious I am afraid of the future of religious life and priesthood. These are just some of the things that I fear there are many others that I will not mention in this short reflection.

However, the question that I asked is what do I fear most at this moment of my life? As I said this question is based on the readings today, they both deal with fear. In the first reading, (1 John 4:11-18), John talks about perfect love casting out fear and in the Gospel, (Mark 6:45-52), Jesus tells the disciples to have courage and not fear. Yet fear always seems to be a part of life.

I know for myself, fear has always raised its ugly head. I remember my mother talking about her life just before I was born. She said that was a time when she struggled with fear. My mother, father and sister had just move back to the Pittsburgh area into a new home. It was in a new subdivision about 15 miles outside of Pittsburgh, only a few homes were built and there were very few people in the neighborhood. Mom had no phone for a while, no car and spent a good portion of the day lone with my sister who was about 5 years old. Mom always said it was a fearful time in her life. I have often wondered if, as a baby in her womb that I was affected by her struggle with fear, because once I came into the world it seemed I was afraid of everything including my own shadow.

"What am I most afraid of?" In my life I could still say many things as an answer to this question. But for a number of years now I have come to believe that I am most afraid of love, not being loved, not finding love. I think it is because I realize that with love fear would not be a problem, yet fear is a problem for me. I think it is because I struggle with love.

Both Jesus and John tell us that today, if we love, if we allow ourselves to be loved, especially by God then fear will never hurt us, because love casts out fear. With love there is no room for fear without love fear takes up all the room.

No matter what life throws at us, no matter what changes take place in religious life, the church, culture, society, no matter what we lose or struggle with in life, if we let love in, if we value the presence of love, if we let ourselves love and be loved fear has no chance, no room!

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, giver of all good gifts, pour into our hearts the brilliant light of your perfect love so that we may see, feel, embrace and welcome the gift of love into our lives as it comes to us from you and others. Loving God, give us strength and helps us to have hearts that are open so that we will always be ready and willing to love and be loved. Grant us a lasting peace made possible by your love which casts out all fear. Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts:Running defines me. It is a euphoric feeling I look forward to every day. It keeps me connected to life.” (Allan Steinfield) So run without fear today, breathe, run and permit the spirit of God's loving presence to be in each stride you take!

Daily Blessing: Wednesday greetings and blessings to all and to all around the world who celebrate the Epiphany today – blessed Epiphany and Little Christmas to you! It is cold day here in Baltimore though I think this is the last day of the real cold weather and that things will begin to moderate again. I am already longing for the warmth of spring and summer. I know they are a long way off but I live in the hope of their coming one day.

The Pre-Theology Retreat seems to be going well. Of course that is only my perspective, I am not sure what the men on retreat think! I would ask you once again to offer a prayer for the 14 men on retreat. Please pray that they have a retreat day touch by the loving presence of God today and if you could offer a little extra prayer for the preacher it would be greatly appreciated.

As I prepare for the retreat day ahead I simply pray for God’s blessings today on all of us. May we all have a day blessed and graced without fear because it is touch by much love! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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