Sunday, March 6, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 03/06/2016

Daily Thoughts: We seem to be in the forgiveness mode during these Lenten days. Yesterday we had the Pharisee and the tax collector at prayer and today we have perhaps the most famous of all Gospel parables the Parable of the Forgiving Father. In each story we are asked to recognize God’s mercy and forgiveness which is always available to us.

As I was reading the parable of the Forgiving Father for probably the 1000 plus time something new jumped out at me. As I was reading about the older son suddenly St. Paul’s words from his Letter to the Romans echoed in my mind. Towards the end of Chapter 8 in Romans St. Paul talks about nothing separating us from God’s love. He goes through a litany of things that we might think would separate us from God’s love but in the end St. Paul says nothing will ever separate us from God’s love. In using that passage for my own personal prayer and at times for preaching I have always thought that St. Paul left out one thing. There is one thing that can separate us from God’s love, ourselves!

The older son separates himself from his father’s love, no one or nothing else does. The younger son separates himself from his father’s love but is humble enough to recognize his mistake and return. The older son continues to stand outside as the story ends and as I always tell people if someone is outside at the end of one of Jesus’ parables they are not in a good place.

In the second reading today St. Paul tells the Corinthians to always be reconciled to God, in other words, do not let yourselves stand between yourself and God’s love! Like the younger son let’s see your faults, our failings and our struggles. Let’s return home to our loving God and be reconciled. If we do God will create something new with us!

Have a blessed Sunday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God of compassion and forgiveness, grace us with your gift of joy filled hope. Help us to be your new creations proclaiming the Good News. As your envoys of faith may we bring your healing and reconciliation to others just as Jesus brings healing and reconciliation to us. Welcome us this evening into the light us with a restful and peaceful night touched by your wondrous love! Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: Run in the presence of God. In order to do this, as you run, simply imagine God is with you constantly on the run. It does not matter how you image God. Just take whatever image of God you have and allow that image to accompany you on your run.

Daily Blessing: Sunday greetings and blessings to all! I hope this finds you well and ready to enjoy a relaxing and enjoying Sunday. Don’t forget to give God a little time today.

I began the mission here at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Lindenhurst, NY by preaching the 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm masses last night and I will be preaching the four remaining Sunday masses today. The mission will begin tomorrow afternoon after the 12:15 pm mass and in the evening at 7:30 pm. Please keep the OLPH faith community and their preacher in your prayers the next three days.

My prayer of blessing today is a simple one. My God bless us all with the ability to see with the eyes of faith as we journey through this Sunday. May we see the joy of God’s presence in ourselves and others and may we share that joy with all we meet this coming week and always!

Have a great Sunday everyone, relax a little and enjoy wherever you are. Please know you are in my prayers always especially during this holy time! Have a blessed and holy Sunday filled with rest and peace! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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