Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 03/08/2016

Daily Thoughts: Pope Francis has asked us to bring the mercy of God to whomever we meet. We are to look around and see the people like the man in the Gospel today who can’t get to the living water of healing and we are to bring that living water to them. We are not to be people who see themselves alone with Jesus; we are to be people of a community of faith who bring the living waters of Jesus to the world.

As I looked over the scriptures this morning a couple of thoughts came to mind. First there is a one striking thing about today's Gospel (5:1-16) for me; it is the fact that the man whom Jesus approaches is alone. He says he has no one to help him. No one to get him to the water, he finds himself alone unable to get to the waters of life. How often do we feel alone in life? We have that feeling that we are out there on a limb by ourselves. There is no one to help, no one to lean on, and no one to help us get to where we want to go. Like the man in the Gospel today we can be surrounded by a world of people and yet still feel alone.

In those moments perhaps it is only God who makes the difference. We perhaps are not dramatically healed as the man in the story but when we let God enter our life, life does become better. We encounter the gifts of life; we get places that seemed impossible to get to before. With God in our life being part of the world, be a part of the community is not only possible it happens.

Another aspect of our readings today is the element of water. Ezekiel (Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12) and the man in the Gospel encounter the healing power of water. They are each aware of its importance in for life. They each become aware of the presence of God in life that water represents.

Our readings today remind us of the value of God's presence in our lives. God's presence never leaves us to face life alone. God's presence is life giving, refreshing and life sustaining. As the verse for the responsorial psalm says, God is with us and God is our stronghold our support.

As we live this day let us be aware of the many ways that God enters our life. Let us be aware of the many ways in which God does not leave us alone and the many ways God sustains and refreshes our life. Let us be thankful and not fearful because God is ever with us and will never leave us to face life alone!

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, you were rich, yet, for our sakes, you became poor. You promised that whatever is done for the least of your sisters and brothers is done for you. Give us grace to be always willing to provide for the needs of others, that your kingdom of service, mercy and love may extend throughout the world. Amen (Adapted from a prayer by St. Augustine of Hippo)

A Runner's Thoughts: Perhaps as we run today we too should choose the road less traveled: the road of awareness as we run, the road of revelation as we run, the road of intention as we run, the road of mindfulness as we run, the road of imagination as we run, the road of joy as we run, the road of prayer as we run. Today let's pick a road we have not traveled lately and let it make a difference in our life today!

Daily Blessing: Tuesday greetings and blessings to all. I hope your Tuesday is or has started off well. It looks to be a beautiful sunny day here in Lindenhurst. The temperature continues to get warmer though not as warm here as other parts of the area because we are near the shore with the wind coming off the water. Yet it is nice to see the sun and feel milder temperatures. I hope the weather is nice by you.

We had a nice first day of mission here at Our Lady of Perpetual Help yesterday. I am looking forward to our second day. There is a wonderful spirit here and we are truly walking by faith these days! As always please keep the faith community of OLPH in your prayers and if you have time for an extra one could it be for their preacher!

My prayer of blessing today is that you will have a great day, with many blessings. I pray we will all have a great day filled with many graced and blessed moments. May any struggles be minor ones that quickly are solved. And May God will bless us all with the faith, hope, joy and mercy that will make our lives be a “yes” to whatever God asks of us this day! Have a great day everyone and may God’s blessing be with you! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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