Saturday, April 16, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 04/16/2016

Daily Thoughts: For a little more than a week now we have been making our way through the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel.  This chapter is central to John’s revelation of the mystery of the Eucharist.

In yesterday’s Gospel, Jesus declares his that his flesh and blood is in the Eucharist.  Today, the disciples remark that Jesus’ words are a “hard saying.”  Jesus does not soften his words because he is looking for faith.  Faith is trusting when we do not understand.  The basis of faith is not belief in a mystery but belief in the person of Jesus.

We are faced with the same challenge as the disciples.  Theological mysteries have been revealed to us which we do not intellectually understand but which we accept because we trust the person of Jesus.  There may be circumstances and situations in our lives which we cannot understand and for which trust in Jesus is also necessary.  Just as Jesus was moving the disciples to another level of faith, so are we invited to grow in faith.  In order to do so we need to ask ourselves a question. “Are we willing to trust in Jesus to take us to the next level?

Jesus’ questioning of the disciples about staying or going also applies to us.  Perhaps, Peter speaks for all of us, “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.”  Are we willing to stay and let Jesus gives ultimate meaning to our lives?

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Daily Prayer: God the Father, bless me; Christ guard me; Holy Spirit, enlighten me, all the days of my life! Lord, be the defender and guardian of my soul and our body, now and always, world without end. The right hand of the Lord preserve me always to old age! The grace of Christ perpetually defend me from the enemy! Direct, Lord, my heart into the way of peace. Lord God, deliver and help me. Amen. (A prayer in the Book of Cerne)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back.” (An Old Irish Blessing)

Daily Blessing: Saturday greetings and blessings to all! I hope your day has started off well, with a little sunshine and warmer temperatures. If not I pray the morning setbacks are only temporary and things will be humming along by the afternoon.
I am sorry for not posting the last couple of days but they became busier than I first anticipated and I didn’t get moving as early as I wanted to each more. Wednesday evening after finishing the mission at Sacred Heart in Mount Holly I was asked to visit some people in Hospice and then I had dinner with good friends who live in the parish. So I stayed the night in Mount Holly and drove home on Thursday. My Thursday was full with commitments and preparation for Friday which was our monthly taping day for the Sunday Mass. So in the midst of my busyness I just didn’t get the chance to share a few thoughts with you.

I would also like to tell you that it was announced yesterday that I have been made Executive Producer of the Sunday Mass. Fr. Edward Beck, C.P. is stepping down as the Executive Producer after eight years and I have been named by the provincial to take his place. I will be the on air host of the Sunday Mass and have the responsibility of shepherding this ministry into the future. I am very excited but also scared so I would ask your prayers. More about this new direction in my life later.

Today in a few hours I will be giving a Day of Recollection for a group of Passionist Associates. I would ask your prayers for the women and men who will be making the day and also for their preacher.

May you all have a great Saturday filled with many blessings and graced with many moments that put a smile on your face. Please know that you are in my prayers today and always. Blessings upon your journeys today, upon your encounters with other, upon your quiet moments and upon whatever this day brings into your life. Peace in Christ’s Passion and Hope in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

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