Sunday, April 17, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 04/17/2016

Daily Thoughts: One message from our readings today is that we are to be hope filled people. Yes, we are to be people live with the Spirit of God in the midst of a world that is often the voice of hate and anger, a world that is filled with struggles, challenges and encounters with evil.

In our first reading, Paul and Barnabas face a challenge in Antioch. Some of the people in the community do not like Paul and Barnabas’ message. They do not want these outsiders; they do not want their life changed. So they stir up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas. But the Spirit of God is alive in Paul and Barnabas, the Good News will be proclaimed. Those who read and hear the stories of the Acts of the Apostles are reminded that the Spirit of God will not be held back, it is a Spirit for all!

John in the Book of Revelation reminds the churches he is writing to, to stay strong, to remain hopeful. Even though they are struggling and evil is around them God is with them. They are journeying through this life to something greater, to a place of plenty and peace, but they must remain strong. They need to trust always in God even in the midst of struggles, challenges and evil.

These two readings are words we need to hear today. The anger, struggles and evil that we at time encounter in our world bond us to Paul, Barnabas and the early Church. The anger and hateful rhetoric that we seem to encounter in our world challenge us to be strong and remain hopeful. The anger, violence and evil of our world can often make wonder and ask why? But in the spirit of Paul, Barnabas and John we are called to remain faith filled because we are on a journey to something better.

Perhaps in a similar way the challenges of our world today call us to listen in a special way for the voice of the Good Shepherd. Sometimes the noise of our world gets very loud but the Good Shepherds voice is always calling us. Sometimes the leadership of our world, our country, our church, our culture and society is all about power, authority, money, influence and self-interest. Jesus in John’s Gospel today reminds us that true leadership is about service and being a Good Shepherd. Jesus’ image of leadership is about mercy, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, care, support and selflessness!

The readings today call us to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd. A Good Shepherd who is always there especially in the midst of struggle, challenge, fear and evil. A Good Shepherd with a Spirit that cannot be denied. Let us listen, live and be God’s faith filled people of hope!

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, help us to throw ourselves into your loving arms because we know that you are always with us and will never leave us to face life alone. Enable us to trust in your presence even in the midst of struggle, difficulty, sadness, challenge and evil. Grace us with a spirit that is always hope filled. Help us to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd in the midst of all the noise in our lives. Strengthen us with the fire of your love so that like you and your Son Jesus we may be one in faith, hope and love. Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: “I’ve learned that finishing a marathon isn’t just an athletic achievement. It’s a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible.” (John Hanc)

Daily Blessing: Sunday greetings and blessings to all. I hope your Sunday has started off well. Please remember as you journey through your day to give God a little time today!

In a few hours I will be headed out to St. John and St. Mary’s Parish in Chappaqua, New York for the 10 am mass today. Then it will be back home for a little R&R after a busy week. I had a nice day of recollection with the Passionist Associates yesterday and I look forward to the new challenges ahead this week.

I want to thank everyone for your kind words and support yesterday as you responded to the news of my new ministry. It is going to be a challenging time in my life for sure but I am excited and looking forward to the challenge.

My prayer on this Sunday morning is that your day will be blessed with the voice of the Good Shepherd and that you will all be blessed with the joyfulness of God’s presence that will help you with any burdens or struggles in your life at this time. May you encounter God in the breaking of the bread, the sharing of the cup, the gathering of family and friends and within the gift of your own life today! Have a blessed and holy Sunday everyone! Peace in Christ’s Passion and Joy in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

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