Thursday, July 21, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 07/21/2016

Daily Thoughts: “A skilled listener can help people tap into their own wisdom.” (Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM) We might apply this thought to our Gospel reading today. The focus in Matthew 13: 10-17 seems to be on the difference between hearing and listening.

We all hear unless we have some physical impediment to hearing but often we fail to listen. I believe that is what Jesus is getting at in the Gospel. People hear his parables but they don’t listen to them. They don’t take them to prayer. They don’t reflect on them and thus they miss the point of them. We can always hear things as Isaiah is quoted in the Gospel but unless we listen we will not understand.

Jesus is teaching his disciples to listen. Jesus is teaching us to listen. I very much enjoy using the parables of Jesus when I preach because if we really listen to them that have a lot to tell us. Often, if not always, when I use a parable in my preaching I learn something new because while preaching I am also listening.

Jesus was certainly a skilled listener, the most skilled listener and that is why he helps us tap into the wisdom that God graces us with each day, all we have to do is listen!

Have a great Thursday everyone!

Daily Prayer:
Loving God, we pray:
We hold a treasure - Not made of gold - In earthen vessels, wealth untold
One treasure only, the Lord, the Christ - In earthen vessels.
Light has shown in our darkness - God has shown in our hearts
With the light of the glory - Of Jesus the Lord.
We hold a treasure - Not made of gold - In earthen vessels, wealth untold
One treasure only, the Lord, the Christ - In earthen vessels.
He has chosen the lowly - Who are small in this world
In his weakness His Glory -In Jesus the Lord
We hold a treasure - Not made of gold - In earthen vessels, wealth untold
One treasure only, the Lord, the Christ - In earthen vessels.
Loving God help us to believe and live these words today and always! Amen! (Words from Earthen Vessels by John Foley, S.J.)

A Runner’s Thoughts: As prayerful runners let us not run with a sense of expectation that something significant will happen spiritually. Let us run only asking that our run be in the presence of God and that we will run with a heightened awareness of God’s presence. If we run this way occasionally insights will come our way and we might feel a special closeness to God, but usually we will simply know that we are not running alone and we will carry with us the sense of a shared journey long after we have finished our run! (Adapted from Running the Spiritual Path by Roger Joslin)

Daily Blessing: Thursday blessings and greetings to all. I hope your day has started off well and that it will be blessed in a special way as you journey through it. If you are finding life a struggle today, please know as always you are in my prayers and I will say a special prayer that it gets at least a little better as the day goes on.

It looks to be another beautiful day here in Pelham though they say the humidity is coming back today along with more heat. Then again it is summer! I hope you are enjoying good weather wherever you are.

Have a great day blessed with the presence of God. May God bless you in a special way today with a strong faith to believe in the treasure that you carry within you and that you are! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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