Thursday, December 13, 2012

Advent Week II - Thursday Thoughts - 12/13/2012

Daily Thought: Isaiah's and Jesus' words seem to have a sting to them today. Isaiah seems to remind us that God is in control. Not matter how bad it get in this life God is always going to be there. God is always going to keep the promise even if we do not. Jacob can turn into a worm and Israel become a maggot but God will still be faithful.

On the other hand Jesus reminds us today that no matter how great we become in this life it still pales in comparison to what awaits us in eternal life. John the Baptist was the greatest of all prophet, perhaps the greatest of all people yet the least person in the Kingdom of Heaven at that moment was greater than John. 

These are hard words to hear yet Jesus asks us to hear! We like to think of ourselves as in control. We like to think of ourselves as important. Yet the scriptures remind us today that we are not, in control or important. You might say the Word for today is "remember it is not about us, it is about God." God who always is faithful! And isn't that a hopeful message to take with us and proclaim today!

Daily Prayer: O Mighty and Faithful God, give us the joy and hope of your love today as we live our life in this imperfect world. Keep us ever mindful that life is not about us, it is about you and the gift of eternal life that awaits us. Bless us with the spirit of John, Isaiah and St. Lucy today as we prepare the way for Christ by our care and service to one another! Amen!

Runner's Thought: When you run mindfully. When your run is also a prayer. Remember that each run is a quest for a connection with God!

Have a great Thursday everyone! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS Once again we had a great spirit at the mission service last night here at Holy Family. People continue to be faithful to the mission. Prayers for the preacher and the community today as we bring the mission to a close tonight!

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