Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8th Daily Thoughts - 01/08/2013

Daily Thoughts: It was suggested to me earlier this morning that my daily thoughts should in some way address the sadness and struggles this morning of all the Notre Dame supporters and their disappointment from last night's game...well I will draw my opening reflection from the opening lines of today's Gospel...as I look out over the vast crowd of Notre Dame supports this morning my heart is moved with pity they are like football fans without a quarterback, a defense, a running back, a referee! I know it is not much comfort because unlike Jesus in the Gospel I have no miracle to follow up with but only to say, "wait until next year!"

In an interesting way, our readings speak about the same thing and offer us a challenge. In the first reading John continues his emphasis on love as the key element for knowing God. Without love we are lost. The way we find love, experience love is through God, because God so loved us that he gave us his only son, God teaches us about love.

The Gospel echoes John's reflections but in a different way. Jesus challenges us to focus beyond ourselves, to have love for others. He is moved with pity at the vast crowd, he wants to help them spiritually but also physically. They need to eat, they need to be nourished. The disciples want Jesus to send them home, to get rid of them. Let them take care of themselves! Not Jesus, he cares not just about himself, his disciples, but about everyone. God so loves all of us.

Now for me the interesting part of the Gospel is how Jesus goes about teaching here. Now before I go any further I need to say that I truly believe a miracle took place here. Jesus did take the five loaves and the two fish and feed the five thousand. It was a miracle, but he also taught his disciples and us a valuable lesson, he taught us to sharing. If we look around at what we have we can make it work for ourselves and others. Yes, a miracle feed the five thousand but a teaching about sharing what we have out of love for the other was the main objestive. Jesus did feed the five thousand from nothing he aksed what was available and from what people had he feed the crowd. It was not magic it was a miracle!

Sometimes we get caught up in what we need and we forget the person beside us. All of us have more than we need and sometimes what we have can help another. What we have put together with what others have brings about a miracle. Love needs to be share for its true value to be experienced! We might say this morning that Notre Dame certainly shared the love last night!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, teach us today to look beyond ourselves, to see the needs of others and respond to those needs out of the gifts, talents and abilities we have. Help us to bring about a miracle that feeds the many in need of God's love today. Transform us into people alive in your love! Amen!

PS God, comfort all Notre Dame fans today, ease their pain, dry their tears, comfort their sorrow and help them to let go of last night and celebrate the great season they had!

We continue to pray during this Christmas Season for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Transform an ordinary run into a sacred run by bringing to the run a sense of God presence in you!

Again my prayers go out to all Notre Dame fans today may you find comfort in this new day! To all blessings today upon all you do, in everyone you meet and in the gift of yourself. Remember to share your gifts today and always. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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