Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 09/30/2014

Daily Thoughts: There is a story I heard over the weekend about a tourist who came too close to the edge of the Grand Canyon, he lost his footing and plunged over the side, clawing and scratching to save himself. Somehow he was able to grab hold of a small, shrubby bush. Filled with terror, he called out, “Is there anyone up there? Can anyone help me?” He heard a reassuring voice say, “I’m here: the Lord your God.”

The man said, “I am so glad you came along, I can’t hold on much long.” The Lord said, “Before I help you, I want to know if you believe in me.” The man answered,  “Lord, I certainly believe in you. I go to church every Sunday and sometimes even on Wednesdays. I read my bible, pray every day, and I always put my envelope in the collection.”

God replied, ‘But do you really believe in me?” The man was getting more desperate with every passing moment. “Lord, you can’t believe how much I believe in you. I truly believe!”

God said, “Good. Now let go of the branch.” The man stammered, But Lord…” And the voice of the Lord came back, “If you believe, let go of the branch.” A few moments of silence passed and then the man yelled, “Is there anyone else up there?”

A bit of humor on this Tuesday afternoon but I think it is humor that touches our first reading today from the Book of Job and our responsoral psalm, Psalm 88. Both Job and the psalmist seem to be crying out in their own way for somebody else. Things are not working out so well. Life is not going so good. They are trying to find purpose and meaning in the midst of struggle and difficulty.

We have all been Job, we have all been the psalmist, we have all been the tourist hanging on the ledge. Our challenge in those moments is to decide whether we are willing to let go and let God!

Have a good afternoon and a peaceful evening!

Daily Prayer:
O God, show us your mercy and gladden our hearts. We are like the person on the way to Jericho who was overtaken by robbers, wounded and left for dead. O Good Samaritan, come to our aid. We are like the sheep that went astray. O Good Shepherd, seek us out and bring us home in accord with your will. Let us dwell in your house all the days of our life and give you praise for ever and ever with those who are there. Amen. (Adapted from a Prayer of Saint Jerome for Christ's Mercy)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “When you first get a hill in sight, look at the top of it only once. Then imagine yourself at the bottom of the other side.” (Florence Griffith Joyner) So to in the spiritual life…when you encounter the challenges, struggles and difficulties of life look at what you must overcome only once and then imagine yourself embraced by God!

Daily Blessing: Tuesday afternoon blessing to all! I made my way to Willimantic, CT yesterday and about 25 Oblates and I began our retreat together last evening. It is a very nice group of men and the Immaculata Retreat House is on a very beautiful piece of property. I was out for a walk early this morning and wandered into a group of deer, who promptly ran off. It is overcast this afternoon and cool and I won’t be surprise if it rains but we are settled into the retreat so let it rain! Please keep this group of Oblate brothers and priests in your prayer as they make this journey of retreat and if you can spare an extra prayer for the preacher it will be greatly appreciated!

I would like to send a shout out to Josh and Emily Knichel, who live in North Carolina and who are at the hospital awaiting their third child. My prayers are with Emily that it will be a safe and beautiful delivery sometime today! Prayers for all in the Knichel family as they await the newest member of the family!

My prayer of blessing for all of you this afternoon is that God’s blessings will be upon all of you as you go through the rest of your day. May God bless all your endeavors, may God be with you in all of your challenges and in all of your struggles. May God bless you with the grace to trust in the presence of God that you carry within you and the courage not to be afraid to share your gift. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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