Friday, October 3, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 10/03/2014

Daily Thoughts: “Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.” This response to the Responsorial Psalm for today mass seems like a fitting place to start as we consider today’s readings. It seems that Job has struck a nerve with God, who seems to stay, “Job, do you really know what being God is all about? Have you ever stood in my shoes, even for a day?” And Job responds, “Oops, I will shut up now!”

A nerve has been struck in Jesus too; the towns that are so much a part of his life and ministry just don’t get it. They don’t recognize the presence of God in their midst. Jesus has done all kinds of great things for them and yet they are slow to respond to his message. They have had the advantage and done nothing with it.

I am always been struck when this Gospel passage comes around that the towns of Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum exist no more. If you go to the Holy Land and visit the places where these towns once existed all you will find are ruins. For various reasons these town no longer have life, could it be because when they had the chance to be blessed, to celebrate the gift of God in their life, to follow along the everlasting way they missed it?

We often get focused on our own needs, thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires. In these moments at times we miss God invitation. We think we know better. We think we have it all figured out. We think we are in control, but we are not!

O God, I know I haven’t walked in your shoes. I know you have the words of everlasting life. Help us to see beyond ourselves. Guide us today and always along your everlasting way!

Have a great Friday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, May the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, be our touchstone, be our comfort, be our answer to all the dark questions. May the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, be the light of all nights, the sign that you have chosen us, the mysterious and sure sign that we are yours for all eternity. Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Running doesn't have to be monotonous if you put a little imagination into your step.” (Claire Kowalchik) – So to in the spiritual life…faith never has to be boring and imagination goes a long way in helping us discover God in our life!

Daily Blessing: TGIF everyone! I hope your Friday is starting off well and that it will be a life giving day which leads into a wonderful weekend. In about an hour we will celebrate the closing mass of the retreat and I will begin my two hour journey back home. I will have the rest of the day to do wash and get ready for a Day of Recollection I will be giving tomorrow in Centerport, NY. No rest for the wicked!

It has been a very good retreat and I seem to have touch on some topics that have spoken to the Oblates who have made to the retreat. Please offer a final prayer for these men that they can go back to their ministries and daily lives renewed and strengthened in God’s love.

I forgot to mention that a Passionist Associate, Florence Prisco, died earlier this week. She had been battling cancer and I had the chance to see her last Sunday. During our visit I was able to anoint her and give her the chance to receive communion. She was a wonderful woman and great supported of the Passionists, Florence, Rosalie and Carol where the prime movers of the Gethsemane Women’s Auxiliary at our former retreat house in Riverdale. Without them the house would have closed many years earlier. I pray that Florence is now at peace with Lindy, her husband and God and I thank God for the gift of her life!

My prayer of blessing for you today is that God will bless your journey through this day. May all the roads, subways, metros, sidewalks, hallways and paths you take today be smooth and not crowded, may the wind be gentle and always helping you along, may the sun shine warm upon your face helping you to smile, and if it rains may it fall gently as you journey and, until the sun rises again tomorrow, may God hold you and all you whom you love in the palm of His hand so nothing will harm you. Amen! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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