Thursday, October 2, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 10/02/2014

Daily Thoughts: I have always had a special affection for our feast today, the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels. Perhaps it goes back to my childhood, when in the first and second grade we always had to save room at our desk for our guardian angel. It was one way that the good Felician Sisters taught us about the spiritual life but it also helped them keep order in classroom, for you see if we kept a space on our seats for our guardian angel then the theory was we would not bother the person sitting next to us. I have to say, sometimes it worked but most of the time it didn't!

Last night another childhood memory came to mind. One of my favorite movies as a kid was Angels in the Outfield, (the original 1951 version with Paul Douglas, Janet Leigh, Keenan Wynn, the voice of James Whitmore and cameo appearances by Ty Cobb, Joe DiMaggio and Bing Crosby, just to name a few). I loved the movie because it took place in Pittsburgh and centered around the woeful Pittsburgh Pirates and how the Pirates overcame their last place woes with the help of Heavenly Choir Nine, a celestial team of deceased ballplayers, who began bestowing "miracles" upon the Pirates—but only on the condition that their loud mouth manager Guffy McGovern put a moratorium on swearing and fighting. It is a wonderful and funny story. Perhaps it came to mind last night as I listened to my Pirates lose their playoff game. I guess I wished that there had been a few angels in the outfield and infield last night helping them.

The point of my walk down memory lane is that the spirits of God's presence which we honor and celebrate today, Guardian Angels, play an important role in our life. Whether we acknowledge them by saving them a seat at our desk as a kid, or laugh and cry with them as Hollywood brings them to life in movies like Angels in the Outfield or It's a Wonderful Life, we all have had moments and experiences in life when we sense that God has sent someone to help us. It might be a person who walks into our life at the right moment to help us overcome a struggle, an obstacle, or a difficult moment. Someone who gives us a good word that sends us on our way in the right direction. Someone just lets us know that we are not alone, we are loved, we are important, we are special and that makes all the difference at that moment in our life.

Throughout the scriptures God sends his spirits, his messengers, to help people on their journey of faith. Why should this moment in time be any different? Why shouldn’t we believe that God sends his spirits, his messengers into our lives from time to time to help us on our journey?

I have shared this story with you before but I think it is worth repeating again. A number of years ago I was running the Boston Marathon. It was my second time running that marathon. I was at mile 25 and out of gas. I could barely walk. I was just trying to find any strength so that I could keep moving forward. A young woman stepped off the sidewalk and began to walk along side me. I didn’t know her. She asked me my name and then put her hand on my shoulder and said, “You can do this! Let’s run!” She began to run and so I began to run. She asked me if this was my first marathon and I said “no.” She said, “Then you know that you can do this so let’s run!” And we began to run faster. In the next moment as I seemed to get new energy I looked to my side and she was gone. I never got a chance to ask her name or to say thanks! I am sure it was my guardian angel just making sure I kept going. It is something that she has done now for 60 plus years in many different ways. You might say I have gotten her, “her wings,” many time over!

In the Gospel today (Matthew 18: 1-5, 10) Jesus reminds us that our angels are always looking upon the face of God. In other words, they have got a special connection with God that someday we just might need. So as you journey through today remember to save a little space for your guardian angel and take a moment to thank her or him for the journey so far! Have a great day everyone!

Daily Prayer:
Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day (or night) be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

A Runner’s Thoughts:
“Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit…” (Tim Noakes, Lore of Running)

“Spirit has fifty times the strength and staying power of brawn and muscle.” (Anonymous)

By my estimates that makes our guardian angels pretty strong so perhaps we should call upon them often as we run!

Daily Blessing: Happy Thursday everyone! I hope the day has going well for you, if not hang in there, home and rest will come soon! It was a late night for me as I listened to the baseball last night and then could not go to sleep. It was probably not a smart thing to do in the midst of giving a retreat but then again I have been known not to do smart things from time to time. 
The rain continues here in Willimantic, CT. It rained all day yesterday and today looks like more of the same. I am hoping like yesterday it will stop for a while so I can get a walk in. The retreat continues to go well. There is a nice spirit and the men on retreat seem happy with my words of Good News each day. Please continue to keep the men on retreat in your prayers and if you can spare an extra prayer for the preacher it will be greatly appreciated.

I would like to send a shout out to the newest member of Knichel Family in Davidson, NC, Andrew Henry Knichel born on Oct. 1st at 12:36 am. Welcome Andrew and my you, your mom, dad and two sisters be blessed today and always!

In my prayers this morning I ask God’s blessing upon you as you continue your journey of faith and life today! May love and laughter touch you today, and warm your heart and accompany you on your journey through life. May good and faith filled people touch your life, wherever you go.  May love and peace bless your world with joy that long endures. May the closing of this day bring you rest and comfort in the company of those you most love and may God bless you this day and always!

Friends let us keep in our prayers those who are finding it hard to encounter God’s blessing and grace today. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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