Saturday, June 18, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 06/18/2016

Daily Thought: At first glance the readings today from Chronicles and from Matthew do not seem to fit together. The reading from Chronicles relates a paints the picture of an angry God, who is focused on providing his chosen people with the lesson they will never forget. Don’t buy into the Lord’s commands and you will find yourselves crashed by your enemies. 

Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel provides us with a more spiritual message. Disconnect yourself from the things that the world finds important like material goods and wants, and become more trusting of God, like the birds of the sky and the flowers of the fields. 

However, in taking a second look at our readings, we might be able to say that in a certain way they are related.  The leaders of Judah are involved in conduct that shows that they have lost focus, that they have taken the easy way. They have misjudged the value of their gift from God and they have placed immediate gratification over long-term growth.  They stopped being focused on their relationship with God and became more selfish.

Jesus invites those listening to focus on things that really matter and not those that are distractions.  Jesus challenges those listening and us to live more simply, less materialistically, and more spiritually.  Jesus encourages us to be more faith-filled and less troubled by the things we are powerless to change.

In other words, it is not the temporary and fleeting things in life but the consent presence of God that can help us come to the source of real power. It is coming to the realization that we cannot serve two masters. It is making the conscious choice to put God at the center of our life. It is trusting in the reality that when we are weak we are strong. It is not worrying about tomorrow but living today!

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding and my entire will, all I have and call my own. You have given all to me. To you, Lord, I return it. Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace. That is enough for me. (A prayer by St. Ignatius Loyola)

A Runner’s Thoughts: Running can be a time for finding out who we really are, it is time on the road, the sidewalk, the trial with no one to measure our distance but ourselves.  Running can be finding out our true character as we run lap after lap. It can be not giving up when exhausted and journeying to the finish. Running can help us to trust in ourselves and know somehow that God’s grace is enough for us.

Daily Blessing: Saturday greetings and blessings to all! I hope your Saturday has started off well? It is a sunny morning here in Chardon, Ohio. I hope the beginning of this day is a beautiful one foe you?

This the last full day of retreat with the Sisters of Notre Dame. In a little while we will have mass and then a morning and afternoon conference. As I have said all week the retreat seems to be going well and there is a nice spirit here. Hopefully at some point I will get out for a run. Please continue to keep the sisters and their preacher in your prayers.

I would like to send a shout out to my brother, Jim, as he celebrates his birthday today. His last year in the 50’s – enjoy it bro! Have a great day and do something nice for yourself you deserve it after struggling with those kidney stones! Happy Birthday and have a great day!

Well friends I hope this day will be a good one too. I pray that God will bless your day. May you be gifted and blessed with smiles, laughter, family, friends, fun and peace today! And be safe out there if you are traveling!  Have a great day and may you be blessed with God’s joy in whatever you do and wherever you go. May God’s joy be found in the people you meet today and within you! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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