Friday, August 1, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 08/01/2014

Daily Thoughts: Both of our readings today focus on the same human struggle, lack of faith. Often times we think we know what is right. We think we know what is best for ourselves and those around us. We think we know what God wants. Then someone comes along, like a Rosa Parks, a St. John XXIII, a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Thomas Merton, a Blessed Mother Teresa, an Archbishop Oscar Romero, a Pope Francis and they point us in a different direction, sometimes telling us we are headed down the wrong path, but always showing us just where God can be found.

We don’t like to be wrong and we are not always excited to have someone ruin our plans after all what do they know about us, about our life, about our faith. We might not put them to death like the Israelites did to some of their prophets but we almost always reject their way of thinking, their insights, their spirits, the gift of their faith, hope and love. We call to mind tradition, dogma, or doctrine. We point to order, cost and what makes us comfortable. We at times dismiss them as misguided and unimportant or we point to their faults and failings.

When we do this like the people of Nazareth we make it almost impossible to God to work in our lives. We make it impossible for the ordinary things in life to become extraordinary.

O God, in your great love keep us always open to the voices of your Word and strengthen our faith so we will always recognize your presence amongst us!

Have a great day everyone!

Daily Prayer:
God be in our head, God be in our heart,
God be in our mind, God be in our soul,
God be in our eyes, so that we may see your face;
God be on our lips, God be in our life.

God be in our work, God be in our play,
God be in our home, God be in our prayer,
God be in our songs, so that we may sing your praise;
God be in our night, God be in our day. Amen
(Adapted from a song “God Be In My Head” by Grayson Warren Brown)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Running cleared the day's cobwebs from my mind and focused my thinking, and gave me time and space to sort out anything that was bothering me, or to detach and think of nothing at all.” (Jeff Horowitz) Running also helps us to focus on God, to pray and to recognize the gift of God all around us!

Daily Blessing: TGIF everyone! I hope your Friday has started off well and that it will lead you into a wonderful weekend blessed with rest, relaxation and a little bit of time offered to God!

I am continuing my preparation for my pilgrimage to Lourdes and the shrines of France which begins Monday evening. I have a few things to get done before leaving that will allow me to relax and enjoy the journey. The excitement is building and I am so looking forward to the experience. If there are any intentions you would like me to take along and offer to God through the intercession of Mary and Bernadette while I am in Lourdes please send them to me. Remember Lourdes has been known as a place of healing ever since Mary appeared to Bernadette many years ago! What healing do you need in your life?

For my prayer of blessing today I will work off my daily prayer – As you journey through this day may you be blessed with Christ within you, with Christ behind you, with Christ before you, with Christ beside you, with Christ to comfort and restore you, with Christ beneath you, with Christ above you, with Christ in your quiet moments, with Christ in your moments of struggle, with Christ in the hearts of all who love you, with Christ within of all your friends and every person you meet. May the presence of Christ’s bless your day, Amen! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

1 comment:

  1. Remembering the gifts of faith hope and love of the one of the impossible the precious pearl may her gifts be a blessing smiling always
